Is there such a thing as a decent sounding full sized/sealed headphones, which offers max isolation (or as much as possible) with a short cord length (most sealed cans I've looked at come with a ridiculous cord that's not exactly ideal for walking around downtown with) that are at or around $100.
The only other headphones I've ever owned were the old Shure e2's but I keep managing to wear out the cord on them causing me to loose sound in the phones. My current pair finally bit the dust and right now I'm using the old stock apple earphones and I desperately need a replacement but I'm a poor college kid who doesnt want to spend more than $100 ($150 MAX).
so, any ideas or am I being way too strict in looking for what I want?
p.s. from just doing a little browsing I've noticed the Sennheiser HD280's. Any thoughts on those? or what about the Sennheiser HD-555's?