My first ever eBay bid



Audioholic Jedi
Certainly! Here it is. See...I told you. Not very exciting. ;) Well, except for me! :D

The bid had been $43 for days (after some other bidder kept jacking the bid up higher than me). I don't know if I should have waited longer to take the shot...probably wouldn't have mattered based on what ensued. I slapped down a max bid of $110.50, the shot was away, bid was holding at $47, everything looked good, then there was a shot from an unknown location. BAM. $89 out of nowhere. Oh, well. Not enough to topple me.

I shall now bask in the afterglow of my victory. That, and walk the dog (don't feel too bad for her...I grilled us up two chicken breasts about 45 minutes ago, so she's content).
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Wow never would have guessed that. But you are correct I grew up with that phone except ours was green.

Can you even use rotary phones these days?


Audioholic Jedi
Can you even use rotary phones these days?
I believe that I'll need to get a pulse-to-tone converter. I'm pretty sure that I saw those advertised when I first starting searching for a rotary phone. I just happen to come across some rotary phones on eBay during my searching.

Now, here's where you can think that I'm nuts for spending $100+ (after shipping) on the phone tonight. On the weekend, I bought this off of eBay. Kind of a warm up sniping exercise, although I was the only one that bid. :) It had a chance of arriving today (in which case I might have decided to forego the bid tonight), but it will probably get here tomorrow. So, about the same thing...but it was only $17.99 total. However, the one tonight should be in better condition.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Ok I see you are going retro in your house. Back to cords. Well the one you got on the cheap does not have a cord. Get this and maybe you can reach your couch.

I really hope you are not planning on this type of upgrade with your HT.;)


Audioholic Jedi
Ok I see you are going retro in your house. Back to cords. Well the one you got on the cheap does not have a cord. Get this and maybe you can reach your couch.
Thanks for the link! The person stated in the add that they would include a cord, but that it wasn't the same shade of beige. If I actually put one up, it would be in my kitchen nook, which is the only place that I have a wall-plate for a telephone.

I really hope you are not planning on this type of upgrade with your HT.;)
Compared to some of you all, I never got out of the retro world. My TV is from 1994. :) Besides, what's wrong with tubes and vinyl? Oh, no. I'm going to regret that remark. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Slumlord
When I saw that an audible 'ugh' left me as my hand went to my forehead. :)

Be sure to leave feedback for those two items so that you can get rid of that big fat (0) representing your feedback score. ;)


Audioholic Spartan
[Flashes back to eBay SEAL training.]

"Concentrate, soldier!"

"Sir, yes, SIR!"

"Now, what is our motto?"

"One bid, one win."

"I can't hear you!"


[Comes out of fog, focuses back on target area.]
I wanted to post a pic of the penguins from Madagascar for this post, but I think Dreamworks would own my house for copyright infringement if I did.

Kowalski, place the bid. Rico, make sure nobody interrupts our internet connection. Private, you may not come out of this alive.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, my first phone (the $18 one) arrived in the mail today. I haven't taken it out of the box, but I inspected it enough to see that it's scratched up and not in great shape. It wasn't advertised to be in great condition (although I was hopeful), so I don't feel cheated. I'm just saying that I'm glad that I bought the other one that was advertised as being in mint condition. I sure hope it it. Oh, baby. To get back to the days when it takes 15 seconds to dial a number. :)

Hey, that just reminded me of how I use to force the dial around to see just how quickly I could dial numbers. It's amazing that phone didn't ever break. They sure used to build 'em to last.


Certainly! Here it is. See...I told you. Not very exciting. ;) Well, except for me! :D

The bid had been $43 for days (after some other bidder kept jacking the bid up higher than me). I don't know if I should have waited longer to take the shot...probably wouldn't have mattered based on what ensued. I slapped down a max bid of $110.50, the shot was away, bid was holding at $47, everything looked good, then there was a shot from an unknown location. BAM. $89 out of nowhere. Oh, well. Not enough to topple me.

I shall now bask in the afterglow of my victory. That, and walk the dog (don't feel too bad for her...I grilled us up two chicken breasts about 45 minutes ago, so she's content).
Sweet Adam you won!! I remember my mom having that same phone with a 50 foot cord on it:eek: The dog used to get caught up in the cord all the time LOL just thinking about it...Good score Adam

P.S. Dude $89 bucks could of got you 1/2 foot of Kimber cable.....Jeeze you really know how to pick um buddy....:D:D


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, Jamie! It was a thrill to win, even if the price was higher than I expected.

Dude $89 bucks could of got you 1/2 foot of Kimber cable...
Son of a...!!! I hadn't thought about THAT. Darn it. :D

Then again, this phone will probably get used just about as much as 1/2 foot of cable. ;)


I would mount that sucker on the wall and go retro baby......:eek::D


Audioholic Jedi
Heeheeheeheeeee. I'm almost giddy.

First, while the phone looked kinda crappy when it was in the box, it turns out that it was just dirty. I guess that I didn't expect to be sent a dirty phone...but doesn't matter. It cleaned up pretty well.

Second, and the real reason that I'm so happy, is that my phone system works with a pulse phone! I completely forgot that the phone that's in my kitchen at the moment has a selector switch for tone or pulse (yeah, it and I am that old). I switched it to pulse, dialed, waited in anticipation (expecting an operator or some automated message), went through. Hee, hee. Now I just need to put this phone on the wall.


Audioholic Jedi
Here it is. Needs a new cord, but I already have a longer one, and I'll probably put the other phone (the hopefully nicer one) up anyway.

You can blatantly see where I stopped painting the kitchen last month, but I plan on finishing that up this weekend. I just hope that Mr. Motivation doesn't take off like he normally does. :)




Audioholic Samurai
Make sure that you get the proper "Speed Rated" cord for the phone!
You should put directions on how to use a rotary phone and a phone book right next to it for everyone else.


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