Return the DEQ2496 and get the DCX2496. The DCX is far more powerful. It can do far more things. It is far more versatile. The DCX is even lower in price. It's a win all the way around.
Assuming you get the DCX per my suggestion, do not bother with the internal receiver xovers and amplifiers, at least for the front 3 channels. Run the preouts for L, C and R to the DCX and use it for xover and fr adjustment of the mains and subwoofers. The DCX has 3 inputs and 6 outputs. You can configure each one independently. This lets you be able to control the L, R and C and control up to 3 subs separately. You can get inexpensive high quality amps for the front channels. Just get AudioSource AMPONE. You can get them for 130-150 each, new, online. Since the AudioSource amps have unbalanced inputs that expect rather lower voltage inputs(compared to pro audio gear like the DCX), you should use some 6dB or higher in line passive attenuators to the amps from the DCX. sells such adapters under the brand Harrison Lab.