

Seriously, I have no life.
Gotta hand it to Palin, between teenage daughter pregnancy and this little scandal, she is making a name for herself before she even gets into office :D
Earlier I looked at Wiki page on her that showed a huge amount of long term debt she left for that city as a mayor but a second time around, it is not there. Perhaps it was that hockey ring? Oh well.
I guess it's OK to jump in since Gene posted and brought up a new topic. Just to clarify both sides:

"The accuser is blogger and rental car executive Andrew Halcro, a Republican-turned-Independent who lost to Palin in the 2006 governor's race."

I also personally think anyone who has kids should NOT be so flippant about Palin's daughter's pregnancy. Unless you plan on locking your kids up in a cell, there's always the chance that they may not practice what you demonstrate and teach them. I'm glad she's keeping the baby and getting married to the father.

I agree with what Obama said yesterday - people will do better to stick to the issues that affect the country. I mean, isn't that what we've heard for years and years in the 90s? A person's personal life has nothing to do with their capability of serving in office? Or does that only apply to oval office shenanigans?


Yes..... but

If you're a true Audioholic? This.

Okay, maybe if you're a lonely and deranged Audioholic...

That's beaut, but I would rather have the MC2KW. I have always considered McIntosh the ultimate standard :) :)




It should have been the other way around, Clinton with Obama as VP. That is what they blew. Then, Obama would not have to worry about Bill;) They would both have won. She would not have been an old woman and Obama would have had experience galore.
Isn't that the truth and it's one of the things that really just turned me totally off on Obama. If she would have captured the nomination, they likely would have held office for 8 or 12 years together barring any major screw ups. I just don't understand this overzealous behavior. I'm not sure he'll win this go around. I think it's going to be really close. I think once people get into that booth with the curtain closed where no one can see them, some will just let go of their self-effacing guilt and pull the lever for McCain.

As VP, he would have been a shoe-in for President I believe. While I'm not an Obama fan at all, I have to admit that if it were between Hillary and McCain, I would have had to think about it a bit. As a fairly conservative Republican, I'm just not a huge fan of McCaiin. Immigration is the big thing for me and I think McCain, along with my entire party has been a huge failure in every aspect. The other thing I can't let go of is the McCaiin/Feingold campaign finance reform. In my opinion that was one of the most dangerous and harmful piece of legislation ever created for funding. I'll never understand that.


Gotta hand it to Palin, between teenage daughter pregnancy and this little scandal, she is making a name for herself before she even gets into office :D
I don't know if it's so much a scandal as it is just life. Having a 14 year old daughter, I can tell you that it's nearly impossible to protect them and shelter them from everything... nor do I think it's the best thing to do anyway. It's not like when we were their age. These kids are assualted everyday by tv, internet, and even cell phone use that's created this constant hotlink to the outside world.

My daughter just found out over summer that one of her best friends, who's just as smart as Christina and a Straight A student in all the same advanced programs, who has a very fine upbringing in a loving home... had a lesbian thing going on for almost 6 months. No one knew about it, not even her best friends who were with her all the time, not her parents (mom's a stay at home mother).

I mean it blew all of us away. I've known this girl for 4 years. How she kept this a secret from everybody just shocked all of us. But her next door neighbor is 17 and they've been friends for several years and she's was like one of the family. Kids just become very easily corrupted despite how hard you try to teach them right from wrong. You're really up against an army, mostly an invisible army, out there trying to corrupt your kid every day. Kids today have become so desensitized to things that it's really hard for them to sometimes even recognize they're doing things wrong.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
More scandal, please!
I am in favor of anything that helps prevent another damned republican from getting in.

D.R. Payne

Palin is hot, I always liked the librarian look, like the girls in the movies who is not popular but magicaly becomes hot when her glasses come off and she gets new clothes...


More scandal, please!
I am in favor of anything that helps prevent another damned republican from getting in.
Can you tell me why? Specifically, what do you dislike so much about Republicans and what specifically do you like so much and think is going to happen if and when Obama were to take office?

I hear this from "the other side" but I never really hear why.... beyond "Bush is an [insert name here].

As someone who thinks so completely different from you and some of the others here, I'm just very interested in your thoughts.


This election is absolutely a "the lesser of two evils" choice for me. It's between the Rep who has flip flopped on some key issues for me in his home state and is literally a heart beat away from leaving this country in the hands of a soccer mom from Alaska.


The inexperienced, smooth talking, race card playing dem, who has been attending some crazy religious sermons for the past 20 years. He is also the most likely to leave us serving in the military hanging out to dry.

Give me an independent anyday over what these two parties can produce.

More scandal, please!
I am in favor of anything that helps prevent another damned republican from getting in.
When Johnny K. is the dems solution to GWB, they have no one else to blame but themselves.

D.R. Payne

Am I the only one who's concerned with the physical beauty of the candidates? I think this chart sums up the factors at play nicely:



Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Can you tell me why? Specifically, what do you dislike so much about Republicans and what specifically do you like so much and think is going to happen if and when Obama were to take office?

I hear this from "the other side" but I never really hear why.... beyond "Bush is an [insert name here].

As someone who thinks so completely different from you and some of the others here, I'm just very interested in your thoughts.
Republicans are in favor of war and tax breaks for the rich. They are against the environment, aid for the poor, and personal freedom.


Full Audioholic
Republicans are in favor of war and tax breaks for the rich. They are against the environment, aid for the poor, and personal freedom.
I agree.
Though they are all liars and criminals, on both sides. Our forefathers that were there from the beginning of our system would not be proud of them.
I am ashamed of our govt. and have been for the 15 years I've been old enough and interested enough to care.
Both sides.
Though this current reign has been by far the worst in my time. Bush is a moron, but **** is the Devil.

D.R. Payne

Republicans are in favor of war and tax breaks for the rich. They are against the environment, aid for the poor, and personal freedom.
I used to consider myself a republican. I can't any more. The elephants have forgotten about "small government" and out-spent the democrats, and are daily attempting to flush the constitution in their efforts to turn America into a theocracy.

I took a look at the democrats. It seems they used to stand for "the common man" (whatever that means) and social progress. They are owned by the same corporate interests as the elephants and are practically tripping over themselves to try to saturate their platform with faith in order to not let the elephants have all the religious voters.

The independent candidates are nutjobs for the most part. I "throw my vote away" by writing in Mickey Mouse, or Stephen Colbert or whatever, every time. I'm sending a message that I'm on to the fact that the DemoPublicans and RepubloCrats are bought by the same lobbyists, and all they are suceeding in doing is creating a "sunday footbal game" mentality where one's favorite political party and its rivalries take on an unequestionable emotional content like your favorite football team. None of these people represent you, and they spend a lot of effort convincing you that flying cars, meals in pill form, and prosperity for everyone has only been unattainable up to this point because of the Evil Other Party.



Audioholic Jedi
...they spend a lot of effort convincing you that flying cars...[have] only been unattainable up to this point because of the Evil Other Party.
Well, I for one am now glad for the Evil Other Party. Flying cars? Holy cow. I'm worried enough that they're widening our interstate to four lanes with the crazy drivers out here. I can only imagine the hellish commute if people were given access to another dimension. ;)


Full Audioholic
Doubt it. :) Odds are that a good chunk of the population will be swayed by physical beauty.
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't say she is even close to being a looker anymore. When she was young sure, but not anymore at all.


Audioholic Jedi
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't say she is even close to being a looker anymore. When she was young sure, but not anymore at all.
True, but relative to McCain? :) She's just naturally going to look better standing next to that relic. Heck, I should start carrying a picture of that dude around with me. If I ever get up the nerve to talk to the ladies, I'll just hold his picture up next to me. Every little bit helps. :D

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