mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Hey Mike C,

It's your turn to close this political thread when this one turns ugly later.;)

Posted by: mike c
closed political threads tally
mike c : 1
Clint DeBoer : 2,456,987
from some people's pm's ... i'm going to try something else instead of a thread lock the next time - like delete off topic and insulting posts and do some banning :rolleyes:;):p

She is against ear marks and has breast implants so she can't be all bad.............:D
really? can i see? :D


Lets make HT not politics.......enough already we all have different opinions which is part of what makes this a great place to be in the first place......:eek:


Audioholic Ninja
i'm going to try something else instead of a thread lock the next time - like delete off topic and insulting posts and do some banning :rolleyes:;):p
really? can i see? :D
I like the other mike c much better;).


Seriously, I have no life.
As much as I hate to admit it, I think McCain did a VERY smart thing by choosing Palin as his VP. ?
But I am wondering if we are selling middle America short. Do they really want a very right winger? Extreme pro-life? And, she was for that bridge to nowhere, 2006, before she was against it?;)
Didn't George Bush pull both sides together in Texas before he alianated one side in Washington?
Seems like McCain likes women who were in beauty pageants;):D


Audioholic Field Marshall
She's got a fake set?!?!? Didn't know that.
That news just ruined my evening!!! :D

Btw- greatest website EVER- http://www.vpilf.com/

I'm not sure whether she was the right choice or not... but the one thing McCain did succeed in doing was stealing away a news cycle less than 12 hours after Obama spoke. According to what I read earlier, the Dems were expecting Romney or Ridge and had ads ready to run the moment the announcement was made. With Palin, they were so taken by surprise that they had no way to respond before they got on the flight out of Denver- mainly b/c they didn't know anything about her!!

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
i'm going to try something else instead of a thread lock the next time - like delete off topic and insulting posts and do some banning
That sounds like a good line for a new disco song. "Ban, baby, ban! Mod-o inferno! Ban, baby, ban!":D
Just do your best John Travolta/Saturday Nite Fever imitation while you do it.:p

As for the Pres race, looks like it's going to be intresting and a close one. From what I read about Mr. Osama, I mean Obama, to date, I can't believe people would vote for him. I will have to investigate further into both candidates and their VP choices. I have to admit I'm not crazy about either of the choices at present. What do you do; write in someone you really think is able to do the job and in effect, waste your vote or cast a vote that may count (especially if you live in Fla!:p) by voting against the greater evil?


Audioholic Spartan
I think Palin is an inspired choice. Forget that she's a woman and consider the following:

As governor, she has an 80% approval rating. That's unheard for a politician of any stripe. She has fought many special interests and vetoed 300 pieces of legislation in her term that were in special interests favor. In her short term as governor, she has shown more leadership and ability than many politicians do in a lifetime.

As governor, she is the only person on the either ticket with executive experience. McCain, Obama and Biden have only legislative experience as Senators. In that sense, she has more experience than anybody else on the tickets.

She has a son in the U.S. Army. Who better to speak for the needs of the military and the sacrifices made for the sake of the nation's security than the parent of a soldier. It shows a respect and commitment to the military and to national service that fancy speeches cannot.

She is a normal working class person whose career has been driven by the pursuit of ethics and a clear vision of how to make the average citizen's life better. Her spouse, high school sweetheart, is a regular working person and a union member.

Palin's selection blunts the Dem's main mantra against McCain, i.e. Four more years of Bush. She is far outside Washington's inside political circles, thinks for herself and is tough enough to see her vision put into action. She actually became governor by running against a Republican incumbent. Apparently, she is no pushover. Consider this quote from her biography: "The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who have crossed Sarah." - Dave Dittman, biographer. There is no way that the reformer combination of McCain/Palin can suggest four more years of Bush style governance.

Consider also these other aspects of her life that may play into the election.
She was a state championship athlete. Five kids, one with Downs Syndrome. Worked as a sportscaster and has excellent speaking and media ability. Was oil industry ethics officer. Governor of one of the largest oil producing states and knows energy policy. Is known as a prudent and responsible fiscal manager and a sound economic manager. She's pro-life (required as a Republican candidate, unfortunately). Lifetime member of the NRA.

Did somebody say she was a woman, too? Writing her off as a gimmick to win the women's vote is simply patronizing and disrespectful, given the accomplishments of her career and the determined, successful, prudent and ethical manner in which she has come to be in her current position. She is the ideal candidate for the Republican ticket.


Audioholic Chief
Great post except the Pro-Life dig. Someone asked if middle america would support a pro-life candidate. I think it is pretty apparent that most do. We shall see.


Audioholic Field Marshall
As governor, she has an 80% approval rating. That's unheard for a politician of any stripe. She has fought many special interests and vetoed 300 pieces of legislation in her term that were in special interests favor. In her short term as governor, she has shown more leadership and ability than many politicians do in a lifetime.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but how much does an 80% approval rating mean in a state that has more caribou and reindeer than human beings? :rolleyes:


Maybe I'm just cynical, but how much does an 80% approval rating mean in a state that has more caribou and reindeer than human beings? :rolleyes:
Actually quite a lot when you consider the importance of Alaska and the prominence it will have in our Union should we ever get off her asses and start working towards energy independence.

I'm sick of hearing this argument from Obama and the left that new exploration would take 10 years. Really? So that's the reason not to do it? You don't want to be better off in 10 years? That's too long? I don't know when it became more imporant to win than to work together as a country.

I know everyone's calling her a featherweight and all that, but you she already trumps Obama. She has actually done things... important things. She has not only talked about what she wanted to do, but she's done them. I spoke to our two oil anlysts for about 30 minutes yesterday and they know her abilities well. She's made significant positive changes to all aspects of the energy industry in Alaska.

If you actually listened to Obama's acceptance speech, you actually heard little. You can say anything, talk about everything, but tell me how you're going to do. That's the liberal way. Create a victim, then give them someone to point their finger at. Obama said we will be free from foreign oil in 10 years... that's quite a statement... I'm eager how he's going to do it. It reminds me very much of Kerry who must have said "I have a plan...." a million times yet never laid out details for one of them.

Obama's speech was spectacular. It was a spectical. It was inspiring to hear, but it said very little. It's a style vs substance thing. He's a showman, but sheep don't care. I'm not one of those. I demand a little more than talk. I'm a results driven person and I've seen very little from Obama.

Say what you want about our potential VP from Alaska, but if it came to it, I'd rather have her in the big chair than Obama any day.

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