To expand just a bit on what Midcow was saying:
1. Make sure that you have the speaker outputs to which you've connected your patio speakers set to "ZONE2". If you look on page 72 of your owners manual, it describes how to step through the menus to either check this or to set it up that way.
2. On the front panel of your receiver, there is a "MAIN ZONE" button with "ON/OFF" options, and a "MASTER" button with "ON/OFF" options. The "MASTER" button is for power to the receiver. The "MAIN ZONE" button is for power to your main speakers (i.e. everything but your patio speakers). I believe that you can have the patio speakers on, but the main speakers off, if you have the "MASTER" power set to on, but the "MAIN ZONE" power set to off.
If you have any questions or problems with these, just let us know and we'll help you through it.
EDIT: BTW, welcome to the forum! Good to have you here.