As a teacher, I always have mixed feelings at this time of year. I am excited to go back, but I also miss being able to sleep in during the summer, and having time to read books, watch movies, etc....
I have something in common with your daughter, as I will be teaching in an all IB school this year. We have already been back for a week and a half and my freshman are having an okay time getting adjusted. My sophomores are actually having a more difficult time getting back into it.
I think she's adjusting far better than I am. I get up early and let my wife sleep in since I started going tot he gym in the morning. I'm pretty sluggish the first 30 minutes but I get it together after that. I thought she'd have a really hard time, but she's getting up all on her own and has been in bed by 9:30 all on her own without having to be told. She's managing her time well.
Last year it was a real struggle to get her up. We'd have to wake 2-3 times, than she'd carry her blanket with her onto the couch and go into "transition" for another 20 minutes until she finally got going.
The only thing she's complained about so far is that she misses Bill O'Reilly every night, but she DVR's it! She's very interested in politics and has a very strong grasp of today's issues. She's bit aggrivated already with one of her teachers who has a pony tail and trashes Bush throughout the class time. It was only her second rotation with him and she finally spoke up after class and said, "It's okay to disagree with policy, but you can and should still show respect for the office." She went on to tell him that it's not fair for him to "impart his opinion on politics without balancing the content" because it does a "disservice to us because we're still forming our own opinions." He actually applauded her and they're going to be doing an assignment on it now which goes into explaining why you actually believe what you do. The thinking is, so many just say they support this or that, or are this or that, without really knowing why.
Overall, I'm hoping this is going to be a very positive experience for her. I think the horror stories are largely due to kids who just can't or don't want to really dedicate the time and make the effort to find that balance. We'll see how it goes.