Yea!!!! The kids are back in school



Audioholic Overlord
I'm trying. She definately has more "tude" these past couple of months.. but she goes through those phases now and then. My wife is a few years older than me and she can't have anymore kids and for the longest time felt she was cheating me if we got together because we couldn't have our own. I always told her that Christina would be enough and now that we're actually together and have been married for just over a year now... we're very much a solid family and I think of her as my own daughter. We've all been close for about 8 years with a few gaps here or there, so we've spent a lot of time together.

I missed out on having the baby/toddler years, but I don't think that's changed anything. In fact, in some ways, I feel it's helped because I'm trying to catch up and spend as much time as I can with her. We have our ups and downs, but I think it's no different than any other family. She's such a great kid and I really thankful.
Chris this is truly keen perspective. You sound like to me that you have a good head on your shoulders. One day you will be rewarded for your sensibility in a way like never before. Kudos to you my friend. Just wished I could get down your way for some of that fantastic BBQ. ;);)




Chris this is truly keen perspective. You sound like to me that you have a good head on your shoulders. One day you will be rewarded for your sensibility in a way like never before. Kudos to you my friend. Just wished I could get down your way for some of that fantastic BBQ. ;);)


Thanks Phil! We're trying. I'm just preparing for the "boy factor" this year. I can't even think about it.

It's funny you mention BBQ. I was acutioned off at a charity event we atteneded to do an upscale BBQ for 8. The menu was 18 hour applewood smoked pulled port and baby back ribs, 9 cheese lobster Mac&Cheese, stuffed smoked pears, grilled pineapples, and gruyere stuffed fatties, among some other things. We had some very generous folks "buy" me for $750.

I'm pretty stoked. We'll be doing a couple of run throughs prior to the actual dinner in October (the date the bidders chose). I wish there was a way I could easily send you some! I'd ship you a care package!


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks Phil! We're trying. I'm just preparing for the "boy factor" this year. I can't even think about it.

It's funny you mention BBQ. I was acutioned off at a charity event we atteneded to do an upscale BBQ for 8. The menu was 18 hour applewood smoked pulled port and baby back ribs, 9 cheese lobster Mac&Cheese, stuffed smoked pears, grilled pineapples, and gruyere stuffed fatties, among some other things. We had some very generous folks "buy" me for $750.

I'm pretty stoked. We'll be doing a couple of run throughs prior to the actual dinner in October (the date the bidders chose). I wish there was a way I could easily send you some! I'd ship you a care package!
Wow, Chris you must be one heck of a cook. Just the menu itself is making me hungry. Good luck on the dinner charity event. That is a really neat way to raise some money. Kudos to whomever thought of that. So you were bought for $750-hmmm.....wonder how much I could get..........LOL!!!!!! :p:p Maybe I could auction off as some kind of stud service!!!!! Ha!Ha! :D:D Just kidding my friend. I am sure it will turn out fine for you. Thanks once again for sharing.




Wow, Chris you must be one heck of a cook. Just the menu itself is making me hungry. Good luck on the dinner charity event. That is a really neat way to raise some money. Kudos to whomever thought of that. So you were bought for $750-hmmm.....wonder how much I could get..........LOL!!!!!! :p:p Maybe I could auction off as some kind of stud service!!!!! Ha!Ha! :D:D Just kidding my friend. I am sure it will turn out fine for you. Thanks once again for sharing.



A friend of our friends- Kathy & Dorothy - found out she had breast cancer... and she has no insurance. My wife and I and our friends are all members of a local country club here in Palm Harbor. The two of them sprung into action and put together a charity golf event, dinner, and auction at the club. It was done in just a few weeks and we rasied quite a bit of money. They got a lot of companies to sponsor holes and we got a lot of people to donate all kinds of stuf for the auction... one couple donated a trip to Alaska for auction. It was pretty successful.

I have to say that on one hand I'm a bit conflicted about all this effort being poured into one person... I would generally like to help an organization or if I'm going to help just one person... I'd like to help the person that needed it most. There's a part of me that thinks why should this one person benefit so greatly because she happens to know a couple of well to do people at a country club, but at the same time, it's good to know you made a difference even if it is just one person.

The BBQ should be fun. The couple who bought me were very generous and they're really good people. We're all going to serve them and clean everything and do all the labor and service.

Our friend Kathy actually setup an official charitable organization we're going to be decided on the next thing we do. Our daughter Christina is going to be helping out a lot at the events in an official capacity which will count towards her community service requirements for the I.B. program. It's actually not easy to get young kids qualified hours until they're about 16, so this will be good thing in that regard as well.

She's been quite the trooper so far. She's still getting up all by herself and has made sure she's ready on time each day. She's been very good about keeping up with her homework and she's required very little prodding thus far.


Audioholic Overlord
A friend of our friends- Kathy & Dorothy - found out she had breast cancer... and she has no insurance. My wife and I and our friends are all members of a local country club here in Palm Harbor. The two of them sprung into action and put together a charity golf event, dinner, and auction at the club. It was done in just a few weeks and we rasied quite a bit of money. They got a lot of companies to sponsor holes and we got a lot of people to donate all kinds of stuf for the auction... one couple donated a trip to Alaska for auction. It was pretty successful.

I have to say that on one hand I'm a bit conflicted about all this effort being poured into one person... I would generally like to help an organization or if I'm going to help just one person... I'd like to help the person that needed it most. There's a part of me that thinks why should this one person benefit so greatly because she happens to know a couple of well to do people at a country club, but at the same time, it's good to know you made a difference even if it is just one person.

The BBQ should be fun. The couple who bought me were very generous and they're really good people. We're all going to serve them and clean everything and do all the labor and service.

Our friend Kathy actually setup an official charitable organization we're going to be decided on the next thing we do. Our daughter Christina is going to be helping out a lot at the events in an official capacity which will count towards her community service requirements for the I.B. program. It's actually not easy to get young kids qualified hours until they're about 16, so this will be good thing in that regard as well.

She's been quite the trooper so far. She's still getting up all by herself and has made sure she's ready on time each day. She's been very good about keeping up with her homework and she's required very little prodding thus far.
Wow Chris I am speechless. This post is the perfect example of the good people that come to this forum. This is one of the main reasons I prefer this forum to all others. Anyways, sometimes miracles happen one at a time. Some way some how, you will be rewarded Chris. Perhaps in ways like you have never dreamed. Kudos to you and your family for being such good caring and passionate people.




Hey Chris I want to have a BBQ up here in the mid atlantic. How much for catering....:eek::D


Hey Chris I want to have a BBQ up here in the mid atlantic. How much for catering....:eek::D
HA! Some day, I'm hoping to just drop out of this corporate world where I live to work and work to live. My dream would be to have nice 6-8 room B&B in Tennessee or N. Carolina with 10 acres or so where I could see the mountains. I definately have a big smoke pit and have that as one of the features along with other gourmet cooking and baking. My wife used to own a bakery in Cleveland so I got that part covered.

Some day!


Phil... thanks so much for the kind words. I think all of try to do what we can when we can. Most days I feel lucky if I can get through the entire day unscathed, but I also know you just pretty much gotta suck it up and do what you need to, when you need to do it.


Audioholic Overlord
Phil... thanks so much for the kind words. I think all of try to do what we can when we can. Most days I feel lucky if I can get through the entire day unscathed, but I also know you just pretty much gotta suck it up and do what you need to, when you need to do it.
No problem Chris as I am just being honest. Once again I can see why you are so successful my friend-quite frankly your keen perspective. Trust me when I say "one day it will all pay off " my friend. Perhaps at a time when you least expect it. Some people on this planet just have good insight into what life is all about and w/o a doubt you are in that group. Keep this perspective and before you know it things will come together in a big way.




Audioholic Jedi
HA! Some day, I'm hoping to just drop out of this corporate world where I live to work and work to live. My dream would be to have nice 6-8 room B&B in Tennessee or N. Carolina with 10 acres or so where I could see the mountains. I definately have a big smoke pit and have that as one of the features along with other gourmet cooking and baking. My wife used to own a bakery in Cleveland so I got that part covered.

Some day!
Any chance of a special rate for your fellow Audioholics? Oh, and by "special," I mean "reduced." :)

BTW, thanks for the mention of the International Baccalaureate program. I had never heard of that. Pretty interesting. The best we got in high school were a few AP classes. I hope that your daughter stays interested and enjoys it. Potential is a horrible thing to waste.

As for school being back in session, I pretty much just notice the buses and the 15 mph school zones because I don't have kids. In other words, it takes longer to commute. That said, I get so mad at people who blow through the school zones. I think that they need to get their priorities straight (or have them straightened). I dislike commuting as much as the next person, but come on - it's not worth risking injuring or killing someone to save a few seconds in the morning or afternoon.

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