Bush may be a moron, but he's got balls.

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Audioholic Spartan
I can't believe that the moron that's running our country, (into the ground), has the balls to denounce Russia's invasion of Georgia, after the fiasco that has become Iraq.

Nice quote from Condi:

"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it," Rice said just hours before leaving for France. "Things have changed."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that EXACTLY what Bush did? Pot? Hello, kettle calling. Bush is either an idiot, has selective memory, or the biggest set of balls I've ever seen. I'm thinking it's the first one.

Come on Buckeye Nut, try and spin this one.


I can't believe that the moron that's running our country, (into the ground), has the balls to denounce Russia's invasion of Georgia, after the fiasco that has become Iraq.

Nice quote from Condi:

"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it," Rice said just hours before leaving for France. "Things have changed."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that EXACTLY what Bush did? Pot? Hello, kettle calling. Bush is either an idiot, has selective memory, or the biggest set of balls I've ever seen. I'm thinking it's the first one.

Come on Buckeye Nut, try and spin this one.
Your seriously gonna compare iraq with this:confused: This thread screams "come on you wanna fight" :rolleyes: If your not happy with with the war that was started in iraq to overthrow a dictator that exterminated his own poeple, then maybe you should vote out your states reps that ok'ed it, or move to san francisco:D

United States House of Representatives
Party Ayes Nays PRES No Vote
Republican 215 6 0 2
Democratic 81 126 0 1
Independent 0 1 0 0
TOTALS 296 133 0 3

United States Senate
Party Ayes Nays No Vote
Republican 48 1 0
Democratic 29 21 0
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 77 23 0

voting starts locally, where all things must originate. Spewing opinions is fine, but doesnt call anything into account.

ann coulter for prez:eek:


Audioholic Spartan
Honestly, it was a bit of flame bait in retaliation for all of Buckeye Nut's anti-dem rants.

But seriously, how can Bush sit there and denounce the actions of another country that are STRIKINGLY similar to his own? He overthrew another government under the guise of stopping a dictator that had supposed WMD's and striking a blow in the war on terror. The first objective turned out to be false, and the jury is still out on the success of the second.

Sorry, but Bush needs to practice what he preaches before he goes shooting off his big mouth.

By the way, SF is just about an hour up the 101 from me. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I don't think it's the same thing. Iraq was a dictatorship vs. Georgia which is a democracy. But I do think Iraq was a waste of time when far larger threats exist. With our military stretched and economy strained, the Russians can do what they want and tell us to get lost for now.


Senior Audioholic
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that EXACTLY what Bush did? Pot? Hello, kettle calling. Bush is either an idiot, has selective memory, or the biggest set of balls I've ever seen. I'm thinking it's the first one.
Well I just heard Rush Limbaugh this morning say that Iraq was not a sovereign nation when we invaded it. :confused:

So this is totally different, you can not compare the two.
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Audioholic Jedi
Plus, I wonder how much of this is just political postering. I for one certainly don't know what is really being said between the two leaders behind closed doors.


Seriously, I have no life.
... If your not happy with with the war that was started in iraq to overthrow a dictator that exterminated his own poeple, ...:
Is that why we invaded? All this time I thought it was something else.
That makes me feel better now that it was a worthwhile endeavor.:eek:


Audioholic Warlord
Wow, I think this is a new record. 8 posts before a thread turns to ****.



Audioholic Ninja
Wow, I think this is a new record. 8 posts before a thread turns to ****.

I have always found every political thread I have ever read turned to **** after the 1st response to the OP;).


Audioholic Spartan
Russia's excuse for invading Georgia is a transparent act of aggression performed unilaterally by one nation against another. Russia's lame excuse for the invasion is "protecting" ethnic Russians in the Georgian province of South Ossetia. I can't believe that such a pathetic excuse can still hold credibility in the modern world. This most closely parrallels the "protection" of Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia.

For one, Russia has no right to invade a nation because it disagrees with the internal affairs of that nation. If abuses were performed against passport holding Russian citizens, then Russia could ask that they be returned to Russia. If these ethnic Russians do not hold Russian passports, then Russia has no right to invade in their name.

For two, if Russia felt there were abuses of Russians in Georgia, they could have taken their claims to the UN and used their considerable influence to have the UN "protect" them.

But there is no place in the modern world for naked unilateral aggression of one country against another. The case of Georgia is simply the case of one superpower using overwhelming force to expand it's hegemony in it's local region.

BTW, both wars in Iraq were conducted by international coalitions and conducted under the auspices of valid and binding UN Security Council resolutions. There is no parallel between Iraq and Georgia.


Audioholic Spartan
Wow, I think this is a new record. 8 posts before a thread turns to ****.

How about you shove it Sheep?

I don't think I've seen a useful post from you yet.
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