Whatever you choose, first consider:
Getting your room acoustics right
figuring out proper speaker placement
perhaps hire a professional calibrator
invest in at least 2 subs, preferably 4 if you can fit them. Make your room nice, don't stick one refridgerator sized sub in your room. 2 subs are ALWAYS better than 1 assuming your using good subs. A great hometheater doesn't draw attention to itself via bulky equipment. Going with 4 subs you don't need HUGE ones. The JL Audio's are a great choice, so are 4 Velodyne DD15s.
Don't go with 5 full range towers, what a waste, it doesnt work for home theater and you will most likely not have good bass in most if not all of the seats.
Invest in some killer theater chairs, I highly recommend Continental Seating. They offer chairs that don't degrade audio performance since their backs are properly angled to not block your ears.
get the biggest screen you can comfortably fit in your room and a high quality projector 1080p LCD or DLP projector
invest in power management from APC to protect your system
Don't buy into uber expensive separates. The Denon AVP is by far the most advanced pre/pro on the market, regardless of price but its still expensive. The Anthem D2 is also very nice but lacks some of the features of the Denon. If you want to save some serious cash, consider the AVR-5308 and mate it with a few amps from Emotiva so you can redirect your budget towards your room.
If you really have your heart on spending $100k, I'd put nearly half of it into making a cool room. Check out this room!