You know, for normal HDTV watching, burn-in isn't a problem.... But, what about the 12 hour marathon halo sessions? Am I safe, or is my radar going to get burned into the corner? Probably not... Well, unless I do that for a week straight. (Wow, that's a good idea. I need to take work off for a week and try it.) But really, burn in could become a problem for people like my parents. Their TV is on like 16 to 18 hours a day, and all of it is 4:3 with black bars on the sides unless they are watching the occasional HD football game. This is a real concern as many people aren't using their sets for HD content.
Has anyone tried this with one of the current plasma sets? Will a month of TV watched in this manner "burn" the middle of the image leaving the side bars different colors? It would be nice to have a good hard test and see what happens. Of course, I don't know anyone willing to throw away $1000 on a TV just to test this...