I think playing with the REW is just making things worse. Number one I keep looking at all the peaks and nulls in my room which is depressing to say the least
Secondly, I dont really know what im looking at. I mean, I do. But I dont look at say a waterfall graph and go. Oh right there thats my problem
And third, I am not going to start filling my room with bass absorbers and panels all over the place because first of all that stuff costs money. And I wont be in this room for a whole lot longer and the last thing I need is more stuff to take with me when I finally move to the lower48 so its kinda like what can I do about it anyway? Besides tweak the EQ on the DCX a little bit.
anyway, heres a couple more. this time taken with only the subs turned on and no crossovers. This is taken from just above ear height at my listening position which is about 11 feet back from the speakers in one of the most neutral areas in the room when it comes to bass response.. meaning there isint a large boost of bass there vs some of the other areas in the room.
The first is no eq.
This is with some eq... Like I said I dont know if this is considered good or terrible or what but thats what im getting.
I also have a humm/buzz issue I need to track down. I dont think its a ground loop because if I turn off the DCX it stops. If I mute the inputs or the outputs on the DCX it stops or if I turn the volume knobs all the way down on the EP2500 it stops... It also gets quieter every now and then when im playing with the settings on the DCX.
Oh and then theres the waterfall graph, which looks nothing like the ones Im seeing on the HTS forums.. Mine looks more like a tsunami than a waterfall.