Florida Audioholics Get Together



Full Audioholic
What you did already was great. Please invite me to your next GTG (hopefully with TCA and Emotiva).

Thanks again,


Audioholics Master Chief
Geez, now Gene want's me to acoustically treat my whole house before next time

It may not have been the perfect venue for audio comparisons, but you're not going to find very many wives that will say "Yes" when pitched the idea to do that to their home.

I think Audioholics need's to build a dedicated acoustically treated banquet hall before the next meet.

I don't know how all of you guys were able to work out parking, but somehow you did. My neighbors and their guests were a few of the people at the party, so I knew we wouldn't have a problem with many complaints. But I do have some really nice people as neighbors. I didn't have much of a plan when I came up with this hair brained idea to hold the GTG. I just figured I might be able to squeeze three areas into my small home. Hindsight being 20/20, I guess it should have only been two areas for listening with the family room left for "meet and greet" discussions just to prevent the volume wars. Not that I'm complaining. Loud is good. And I guess I could have worked out an itinerary for the day's events, but I'm a typical guy. Me plan???
And I could have made some arrangements for more rugs in the living/dining room area to help soften the room. I could have definitely used a rack like Emotiva brought just for audition gear. I should have made some sort of remote A/B switcher so we could do some comparisons easier.

Should of done this, should have done that, wish I could have done this...............

At the end of the day what it really came down to is you guys that showed up made the event happen. All I did was move furniture. Oh, but I did pick up the food and drink. So that's gotta be worth something.

So again, I thank all of you guys who came for helping out and making it an enjoyable day.
Haha you did great but I am pretty anal when it comes to doing A/B comparisons. I wasn't even satisfied with the most recent one we conducted. Personally, I believe a face off needs to be done double blind and there should be 1 listener at a time but what fun is that when your hosting a social event like this?


Full Audioholic
I think sometimes that non ideal conditions give you a great idea on real world sound, as long as there is a reference item to compare them to. That way some can have an idea what the items might sound in their venue.



I was wondering if you (or anyone else here) would be willing to share with the rest of us a "Guide to a Good GTG"?
It's actually quite simple!

  1. Have a wife or partner that will allow you to do something this stupid.
  2. Own furniture that's easy to move. (my aching back)
  3. Contact vendors and manufacturers early to beg for gear.
  4. Have a bunch of friends who have gear.
  5. Find a bunch of friends that have gear.
  6. Be willing to buy, borrow or steal anything you don't have.
  7. Do a "dry run" to check for cable runs and verify lengths.
  8. Beg cable manufacturers to help out with cables (Luv' ya Blue Jeans!!!!)
  9. Get a few sets of bookshelf stands.
  10. Get a sturdy table or rack for freakin' heavy amps.
  11. Buy LOTS of food and drink.
  12. Get your hands on a bunch acoustic panels.
  13. Get the word out on lots of forums (unless you don't want that many people).
  14. Show pictures of liquor bottles.
  15. Did I mention to find friends with gear?

But it does help quite a bit to have somebody like Gene in the background to help you out.

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Audioholics Master Chief
But it does help quite a bit to have somebody like Gene in the background to help you out.

Sure but I need to stop whining about the room acoustics. Boy did I stick my foot in my mouth on that point :rolleyes:


Full Audioholic
loserwife is the bomb. Any guy that marries a forum geek and audio nut is truly bless. And she has a heart of gold to boot. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks again.



loserwife is the bomb. Any guy that marries a forum geek and audio nut is truly bless. And she has a heart of gold to boot. It was a pleasure meeting you.
Orange you nice! The kindest hearts expect no reward, and deserve it all the more. I love geeks! :)


A Few Pics

Nick from Emotiva "Get'n his drink on".

rll, mojomike(?) and Gene discussing the finer points of the Emotiva towers

Dann G. and loserwife just being cool.

Ken & Suzanne (neighbors), bandphan, rll, sanjaygolf and Gene (stuffing his face)

Gene and engtaz (yes, Gene got around)

engtaz, myself, mojomike and rll

jvgillow matching the levels for the next pair in the shootout

scubabob, sanjaygolf, mojomike, Gene, chronos56 and ricocetj


Full Audioholic
I see you guys had alot more fun after I got out of there. What did you guys setup after 7:30p.m.?



I see you guys had alot more fun after I got out of there. What did you guys setup after 7:30p.m.?

We continued on with the bookshelf shootout in the living/dining room. The eventually some of us ended up in the theater with the Emotiva towers and center channel for some HD concerts I had on my DVR. Queen, REO Speedwagon, Depeche Mode, Seal and Coldplay

Later on that evening scubabob brought in his Krell amps and pre to power the Strata Mini's in the living/dining area.
dann g.

dann g.

Oh,no...the Nick photo...ha. In all truth, I just caught him blinking. He was in good shape. It does look like he's nodding off, though...

Nick handles a lot of our general sales inquiries and is a pretty knowledgeable guy. He also handles the shipping. Pick an XPA-5 up recently? Carry several up and down the stairs on an average day...ouch. He studied studio recording, and is a rock afficianado and fountain of knowledge there.
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Once everything was setup he had only one job...


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