Ofcourse he is like every politician and thats my point so whats yours? Obama is the one who said he was different, about CHANGE and the fact your strongest arguement is "everybody does that" is a bit sad as it appears you dont even care that your being lied to so I ask you whats next?
To think it is one parties fault that we are in the mess we are in is simple minded and if you are going to insert a Clintion memory of surplus try not to forget he inherited alot of growth both Reagon and Bush one started (Clinton also rode a wave of false prosperity...remember the dot com bubble) AND when Bush took office the actions of Clinton were maturing and the downward spiral was upon us, then 911 and Katrina both happened.
The war was a bad idea but one we must see to its end, things are getting better and if our goals are meant history will look back at GW Bush kindly even if the ignorant public cant. I am not claiming the GOP, Bush or McCain are perfect as a matter of fact far from it but the Liberal mindset and agenda is good for no one, generally the public at large agrees seeing how the left has only held the White House 3 times of the last 9 election cycles, the only time they get into power in recent past is when the other side fails...not because of the lefts achievements, then after 4 or 8 yrs the public understands what a huge mistake they made and they loose.
Life will go on no matter who is in charge, hell as a disabled man the left may thrown more money at me but I may be one of the only ones who does not get charged more from a Democratic controlled White House, to be honest I have no idea why either would want to be President, there are so many issues that anyone is going to have an incredibley hard time and is promised to be hated by atleast half the country by day 1, get little done and back track on any number of promises as they just cant be realized. Meanwhile things continue to slide into the abyss, God Bless America as we sure do and will continue to need it!