I view 10,000 BC as Sci-Fi, so of course it's not historically accurate.
I can understand when people they just didn't like the movie because it was boring or it lacked characterization and plot, etc.
But to say they didn't like the movie because it was historically inaccurate is stupid in this case.
It's not exactly a History Channel Movie. Too many critics are morons.
It is pure science fiction. Like most of us go the movies to learn about history or anything important?
Movies = Entertainment, not history lesson.
If a movie does not have all the essential elements (setting, character development, plot, climax, resolution, etc.), it better be just plain entertaining with lots of special effects and action and it better have awesome PQ & SQ.
I have not bought a single BD movie in about 2 months (it seems), so I hope 10,000 BC is at least FUN to watch and listen to.