So Obama shows he is nothing new......



Audioholic Overlord
I haven't read the entire thread, but will offer my $0.02.

History has shown that experience doesn't equate to a great president. Some of the greatest presidents in our history had little experience. T. Roosevelt, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, John Adams to name a few. And some experienced people were terrible presidents. James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, Warren Harding to name a few. I'm willing to give a new guy a shot as it's generally young idealists who change the world for the better. I don't think Obama can do any worst than Bush.
Very interesting point here. I could not agree more. Obama has my vote.




Audioholic Overlord
But unless you can get rid of the Electoral College the vote of the independent won't mean much toward a Presidential election.
Major very good point here. The electoral college is a problem in itself. Getting rid of it will vastly improve things for sure.




Audioholic Spartan
The Difference...

Got this as an email. It's topical so I posted it here, instead of the Joke thread.

The Difference:

John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama were walking down a Washington, DC street when they came upon a homeless man.

John McCain gave the man his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took out $ 20 and gave it to the man.

Hillary was very impressed so when they came upon another homeless person she decided to help. She walked over to him and gave him directions to the welfare office. She then reached into John McCain’s pocket and got out $ 20. She kept $ 15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless man $ 5.

When they came upon yet another homeless person Barack told him to “have hope….change is coming…” and gave him nothing.

Now do you understand the difference?


Audioholic Ninja
When they came upon yet another homeless person Barack told him to “have hope….change is coming…” and gave him nothing.
Obama is more republican than he lets on. That bum should get a job and not depend on the government for everything :D


Senior Audioholic
People who say dont talk about politics in public usually dont have the stones or the grasp of issues to hold a coherent conversation that may be contentious, it is our duty to talk about a freedom we afforded that many have given their lives for, and many more will never experience. Ofcourse many just dont want to get in the mud and thats cool too but again we are in the Steam Pit and it working brilliantly as it shows we can disagree and inform at the same time..............gotta love America!
errrrr------- unless you are a one of those Liberals who thinks we should be ashamed of ourselves, man I could resist. Love peace and chicken grease my brutha's!


Senior Audioholic
Originally Posted by rnatalli
I haven't read the entire thread, but will offer my $0.02.

History has shown that experience doesn't equate to a great president. Some of the greatest presidents in our history had little experience. T. Roosevelt, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, John Adams to name a few. And some experienced people were terrible presidents. James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, Warren Harding to name a few. I'm willing to give a new guy a shot as it's generally young idealists who change the world for the better. I don't think Obama can do any worst than Bush.

Hey Hitler had little experience and was no doubt an "idealist" and we all know how that turned out.


Senior Audioholic
No I am just giving a counter point of view to one that has been presented, if I attempt to note that not all young unknown figures who aspire to lead turn out very well its just a fact, if you like it or not is another story but that doesnt change the fact that its true. I responded directly to a poster that noted all these folks that came from nowhere and worked out fine, god forbid we remember some that didnt.


Are you just trying to get a rise out of us???
this thread is all about it....*repeat* I do not care what anyones vote is, as it is not mine. The one thing that seems to be a common ground in politics, is that most have no idea how our goverment really works.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
I guess I'll be the first to invoke Godwin's Law on this one... :rolleyes: :D
I had to go look that one up... I'd never heard of that before Halon- nice usage!

As for my opinion- I would agree that we'd be better off without the electoral college, but changing the Constitution to such a degree in this day and age would be virtually impossible (can you say media frenzy??). I do think we need to get better and smarter at the people we pick to run. While I don't agree with all of Obama's views, I like the fact that he's younger and vibrant. Yes he's idealist and many of his views are incomplete, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad trait. Nobody is going in to the Presidency prepared to do the job- it's just too big and too complex. I believe we need people who aren't afraid to fail and who are willing to learn from their mistakes- I personally believe Bill Clinton fit this description. We need to stop entertaining nominations from folks who are looking to cap off their legacies (e.g. Dole, Gore, Kerry, and yes McCain) and start pushing people to run who are willing to jump into the fray headfirst. While I probably won't vote for Obama b/c he's going to destroy me from a tax perspective, I can respect the fact that he may at least change the way we have some of the political conversations in this country, and I don't see how that's a bad thing.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Absolutely anybody would be an improvement over Bush. We could pick some random bum off of skid row, offer him booze in return for being president, and he would be better than Bush.


Audioholic Spartan
Being half-black, I for one am pleasantly surprised that I have lived to see the day that a black man, (and a woman), can even be considered a viable candidate for President. I've been on the receiving end of racism, and it does my heart good to see that perhaps things are changing in this country. But I honestly feel that this will be one of Obama's greatest hurdles to overcome.

I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day.


Audioholic Ninja
Absolutely anybody would be an improvement over Bush. We could pick some random bum off of skid row, offer him booze in return for being president, and he would be better than Bush.
This gave me a good laugh:)


Junior Audioholic
OK... I try to follow politics, but it's extremely difficult to find "news" that has a non-partisan slant. Does anyone know where one can go to get information on the candidates that is just straight facts?


Senior Audioholic
The Electoral College has and will remain a vital tool that many just dont understand, its original intent was to deny a couple large areas of population to control the entire election. In the old days perhaps just 2 or 3 newspapers could be all thats needed to campaign and the entire mid-section of America would be ignored. This still is an issue as a small percentage of states with heavy population can still sway results, Liberals hate this because these areas in general are infested with very liberal folks with very liberal views, like it or not its about balance and its needed, without the College many states in our heartland would be completely ignored.

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