The markets ACE up their sleeve should be...
What really gets me going is the industry's poor quality in music and movies. They expect that when they produce shody quality that the populace will just take it and happily shovel it into their mouths with a grin
What has hapenned here is that the industry has not kept pace with the technology and playing media. The government collects taxes on MP3 players, yet to get a quality mp3 to place upon it, you more often than not have to make it yourself. And if I want an MP3, why should I have to download it and pay for it when I already own the CD? Why can't I make a copy of a cd or DVD because they are fragile and the industry has not produced a quality plastic to package the aluminum substrate, that doesn't scratch.
There is not even an exchange program in the 25 years od cds being on the market. I just heard that there is a music retailer that will resurface scratched cds. Great. Been a long time coming.
I just bought a DVD player taht happens to play SACDs. The problem is that I now have the massive quest to try and find SACDs to play. SACDs can now be made with a dual layer, able to play in regular cd players. I would see this as a natural progression in tech, and for the love of the music and quality of sound. But the industry is more interested in making money any way it can. With their cut throat methods and tactics, who is really on the moral high ground here. A guy who makes a copy of a Disney DVD for his kid so they don't scratch it, or the record labels who have continualy screwed artists and the public.
I want high quality music. I want multi-channel music. I will buy your material, but dammit, make it fair priced, and a quality recording. MAybe with quality MP3 files as well. Let's embrace the beauty of the music and bring forth a revolution of quality that has been reduced to the old AM one speaker car sound systems with the MP3 phenomenon and head phones.
A great example is Neil Young, who is releasing his comilations on BluRay only. He was waiting for such a format to release his works. An artist who cares. There are currently just over 5000 SACDs in circ. Try and get some of them... Amazon has some but they are way overpriced. The local cd retailers hardly even know what they are... and good luck trying to find a good selection of music now in a retail store, over half the damn store is DVDs
I believe that artists should be able to make money from their talent and efforts. I'd like to see artist have more control with their work. Eliminating the record labels. The tech is there.
Just a quick example here. Who actually funded the movie "The Hottie and the Nottie"? with Paris Hilton. You gatta be kidding me. 'nuff said there.
Iron Man, on the other hand, was/is amazing. That is a movie to see in the theaters. That is what will/should stop people from downloading movies/cams.
Be fruitfull and create/listen to beautiful music...