It should be noted to some small detail that the current state of fuel prices affects mass transit as well, the buses all operate on gasoline, and most of them have horrendous MPG - something on the order of 8 miles to a gallon or less. Sure, it's easy to give up our cars in exchange for mass transit, but the folks who would really be able to benefit from this (i.e., inner city residents) are already for the most part not well off financially to begin with. When the rates for mass transit start climbing, what then? This affects
everything, not just the 22 gallon tank SUV owners and big 4x4 trucks.
Those of us in the suburbs (at least me anyway) have no real practical solution with any form of mass transit - the one or two lines that run out here don't go anywhere near where I need to be. There are no monorails where I live.
This is only the start - yeah, sure... we as Americans should not lead such a gluttonous lifestyle, and I hate the big oversized pickup truck drivers as much as anyone else on the road, but the real focus here is the rear naked choke hold OPEC has on our economy, and we're on the verge of tapping out. And STILL we haven't come to our senses enough to do what needs to be done in the interim period and beef up supply from our own resources to bridge the gap between now and non-oil dependent technologies.
All this assigning blame and finger pointing is useless!!! The price at the pump continues to rise no matter who we argue is at fault, so when are we going to get our collective heads out of our sphincters and do something about it?