Today, I drove all the way across town to go by my local Kmart to pick up some cereal that was in their ad. As always, they NEVER have what is in their ad. So, I preceded to go to the front desk and ask if they had any and was simply told sorry.

Then, the clerk went on to tell me they had just gotten a truck so there may actually be some cereal on it but not for sure. I asked if she could call and check and she did. However, the clerk was told no there is not any. The thing is though, it is Thursday not Sunday when the new ads come in the Sunday Newspapers and they still don't have any.
I got a rain check and left Kmart only to go by my nearest Rite Aide for their deal on Diet Pepsi. What did I find, yes you guess it as they were out too. Now, I have gone in on Sundays to get the good deals from the likes of Kmart/Rite Aide and they were out then too. So, is this NOT false advertisement? I mean, it happens now and then but every single time is a different story altogether. After all, gas is nearly $4 a gallon and I ended up wasting it to get the good deals. Help me out am I wrong here to feel this way? What are the chances of this happening every single time I go to these places for good deals. What gives I ask you???? Is this what America is coming to as far as customer service is concerned???

I later decided to stop by a local grocery store as they had a decent deal on Diet Pepsi. The offer was 4 for $12 w/a $1 off coupon redeemable ONLY at this particular grocery store. I asked the clerk if it was $12 after the coupon was applied OR would it actually be $11 once the coupon was taken off. She told me it would actually be $11. So, got my Diet Pepsi's and went through the line. Without paying attention, I ended up being charged $12 plus tax. Looked at my receipt and noticed the clerk did take my coupon off. But, it was $12 after the coupon NOT before. In other words, the clerk was WRONG!!!! At that point, I was too tired to go back in and argue that point. As such, I just went on home. Guess, it just is not my day ...LOL!!!!

In closing, just asking how others here feel about things such as this. To me, it is sad that customer service is practically non-existent these days. It almost seems like nobody really cares much about anything. Are things really getting that bad out there? How do you all feel??? Feel free to comment.