Another entry in the monster lawsuit file.



Audioholic Chief
Everyone else with a "monster" product should get together and sue Monster Cables so they have a taste of their own medecine

By the way, is it legal in the states to sue a company for being true @$$ holes? :D
"You honor! Monster's arses really stink!"


Senior Audioholic
This must be what happens when you let the legal department of a major corporation run the "ethics" portion of the company...



Audioholic Samurai
Unbelievable - hey I once used the word "monster" in a sentence, are their lawyers going to come after me too? How can you trademark such a common name, a noun no less that is generic and indescript of any one particular thing? You don't even see Disney attempting to sue Sylvester Stallone over the use of the name "Mickey" in his Rocky movies, because it would be tossed out of court, and is just plain ridiculous. Jesus H., I didn't know it was possible for a company to suck this bad.


It seems monster intends to go after all three trademark versions

Service marks identify and distinguish the source of a service rather than a product.

Certification marks are any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce by someone other than its owner, to certify regional or other origin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy, or other characteristics of such person's goods or services, or that the work or labor on the goods or services was performed by members of a union or other organization.

Collective marks are trademarks or service marks used, or intended to be used, in commerce, by the members of a cooperative, an association, or other collective group or organization, including a mark that indicates membership in a union, an association, or other organization.
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Full Audioholic
You know when a company engages in a pattern of BS there ought to be some special penalties applied if/when they lose court cases.

-- Suing Disney over the movie "Monsters, Inc."??

-- Having problems with the Red Sox over "The Green Monster" [and related Monster themed names of seats / concessions / etc.]

I understand agressively protecting your IP / trademarks / etc. but this is beyond rediculous. Are they saying that you can't use the generic word "Monster" in any business you use???.

This is as bad [worse?] than the Olympic committee.


Audioholic Samurai
I understand agressively protecting your IP / trademarks / etc. but this is beyond rediculous. Are they saying that you can't use the generic word "Monster" in any business you use???.
That's certainly what it sounds like to me. :mad:

F*** them, and f*** them hard.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
What a bunch of *****...

an old clothing store, a company that sells halloween products, an organization to help kids learn skiing, now a miniature golf course...

I can see them harassing a company like BJC, regardless of whether it's BS or not, but these companies have nothing at all to do with their line of products nor do have any type of similar products or lines.



Full Audioholic
It seems to me that they are shouting "look at me everybody, I'm a big a-hole!"...and they don't give a rats arse.

Hell, they WANT to be viewed that way.

They must, right?


Audioholic Ninja
Business model seems to be that if ya lose one, you find another victim to squeeze.

So, they do they own the word "Monster", or do they also own the word "cable" as well?
Is that for real, or a joke web site? If real, Monster Cable should be slapped down, and slapped down hard. I hope they counter sue Monster Cable and get true justice...

It makes me want to go play miniature golf, in a monster themed park, that is not related to some evil snake oil wire selling scumbags, without whom the world would be a better place.

I sure wish the federal government would prosecute Monster Cable for their fraudulent claims of better sound. I guess we should not be surprised that fraudulent sleazebags would sue someone over a legitimate business.


Audioholic Jedi
I wonder if they have more lawyers than manufacturing people? They must at the rate they are going.

Monster is holding up their part of their trademark - defending it, as required by law. However, they are definitely taking it to the extreme, ad naseum.


Audioholic Samurai
I sure wish the federal government would prosecute Monster Cable for their fraudulent claims of better sound. I guess we should not be surprised that fraudulent sleazebags would sue someone over a legitimate business.
That touches upon the thing that pisses me off the most.
They're spending my tax dollars to potentially take these silly arse cases to court.
Well, I was rewiring my system last night. Ran across a Munster (name changed to protect the innocent) optical cable. Gone, in the garbage. Now I wish I'd saved it for or a burning.


Audioholic Samurai
Is there a way to sue a company under monopoly laws for trying to "monopolize" the market on the word Monster? Their tactics would seem to qualify for racketeering and fair trade laws.



Audioholic Spartan
monster Definition

mon·ster (män′stər)


1. any plant or animal of abnormal shape or structure, as one greatly malformed or lacking some parts; monstrosity
2. any imaginary creature part human and part animal in form, as a centaur, or made up of the parts of two or more different animals, as a dragon
3. something monstrous
4. a person so cruel, wicked, depraved, etc. as to horrify others
5. any huge animal or thing
6. Pathology a malformed fetus, esp. one with an excess or deficiency of limbs or parts; teratism

Etymology: ME monstre < OFr < L monstrum, divine portent of misfortune, monster < monere, to admonish, warn: see monitor


huge; enormous; monstrous

I see no reference to cables above. Perhaps they should sue the dictionary publishers for using the word without permission.


Audioholic Spartan
The article didn't speak to the results of the suits.
I wonder how they made out when they sued Disney, or the Discovery Channel?
I can't imagine they did very well.


Audioholic Spartan
I found a little bit of info:
"Monster Cable sued, the online résumé site. It sued Disney and Discovery Channel. In all three suits, Monster reached a confidential settlement. The company's general counsel, David Tognotti, said the company is now involved in "great partnerships" with all three companies."

Monster is a pretty shrewd operator; they sue, then settle with a confidential aggreement. Most times, part of that 'settlement' is to have a free link to Monster Cable on the offending web site. Settling out of court and getting a free link; that alone, must make them tons of money. :(


Audioholic Samurai
This is a site that deals with one man's dealing with the Monster-A-holes attorneys.

It also lists pending lawsuits.



Audioholic Overlord
I found a little bit of info:
"Monster Cable sued, the online résumé site. It sued Disney and Discovery Channel. In all three suits, Monster reached a confidential settlement. The company's general counsel, David Tognotti, said the company is now involved in "great partnerships" with all three companies."

Monster is a pretty shrewd operator; they sue, then settle with a confidential aggreement. Most times, part of that 'settlement' is to have a free link to Monster Cable on the offending web site. Settling out of court and getting a free link; that alone, must make them tons of money. :(
Since it's confidential and these other guys are heavy hitters in their own right, I wouldn't be surprised if Monster Cable wasn't paying them to have a link to their site on these.


Senior Audioholic
I think its time we start an online petition for monster to stop harassing businesses that use the word monster in it. Especially ones that have nothing to do with AV gear.

Anyone think its a good idea..Maybe it might get them thinking about avoiding bad publicity.


Audioholic Samurai
I think its time we start an online petition for monster to stop harassing businesses that use the word monster in it. Especially ones that have nothing to do with AV gear.

Anyone think its a good idea..Maybe it might get them thinking about avoiding bad publicity.
Careful, you might get sued for using the "Monster" on the petition!


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