I used to work at CC and we did something similar on some slow days.
We hooked up Mon$ter and some cheap thin generic cables. You could easily tell the picture quality difference looking at them side by side. It worked so well the managers had us keep it set up and we sold the crap out of that crap and it made me a lot of money.
So when I come home and hook up the Mon$ter cable to our (progressive scan!) DVD my girlfriend says "you spent how much on a cable?!"
I coolly announce "just watch this babe" in my best slick sales-person voice and proceeded to swap out the cables so she could be bedazzled by my AV magic.
Not an effing difference.
Now if you've ever been in a CC/Bestbuy you know there are a brazilian number of TVs and other misc gizmos running, our apartment not so much. Standing there staring at the cables in my hands while my girlfriend stalks off muttering angry Freudian analysis I had my epiphany.
The cables I had made for almost free from my packrat box-o-tech (and probably drunk) were just as good as the crazy expensive professionally designed and meticulously crafted monster cable.
Why? I used some ridiculously thick cable, cause it’s what I had, and the EMF in our apartment was 1000th that of the showroom.
Oh well at least Mon$ter helped fund my girlfriends education and she is now teaching students about Freud, and I troll the intertubes educating people against Mon$ter