If my wife and I receive the full $1200 proposed (no kids yet), this means she will be able to fill up her tank 10 times, and I will be able to fill up mine 7 times. I did the math already.
I average about a tank per week (SUV, lot of driving around town), hers is a little four-banger that gets decent mileage, but she drives around town more than I do, so we fill up at about the same rate. Would it help? Well, anything does, but it would be a temporary fix either way. Gas prices have risen and fallen, but historically when they fall again, they never go back to their pre-spike levels, so averaged out over the course of a couple of years of so and it represents a marked increase that is outpacing current inflation rates with wild, reckless abandon.
Point being, stimulus package or no stimulus package - the levee is sure to break eventually, as something has to give. This mere "tax rebate" is like a couple grains of sugar when you need the entire bowl of frosting to cover the cake.