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Audioholic Chief
Happy 4/20, Audioholics!

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Audioholic Chief
Did I miss something?

What is special today?
What is this song?
Why is it so funny to say no to that song?


Sorry, my employer frowns on that. Have a good time though.


Audioholic Chief
Oh lighten up folks. I'm not suggesting anything, it's just a funny holiday and I figured I'd get some laughs. Apologies if I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

Tough crowd.


Audioholic Chief
This whole thread was over my head until the last few posts. If it was national Green Fairie day I suppose everyone would laugh. I'm not offended and take it with the humor intended.
ThA tRiXtA

ThA tRiXtA

Full Audioholic
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Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Happy 4/20 Everybody!

This is a picture of my basement, not shown are the carbon filters, blowers, or hydroponic supplies, just buds buds buds!!! Sorry for the orange glow, but each light is a 1000 watt hortilux High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb. After this grow, I'm putting some Martin Logans in the flower room :D

Just kidding :p Would I have my city and state listed if I ran a grow house? Maybe :D


Audioholic Samurai
This is a picture of my basement, not shown are the carbon filters, blowers, or hydroponic supplies, just buds buds buds!!! Sorry for the orange glow, but each light is a 1000 watt hortilux High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb. After this grow, I'm putting some Martin Logans in the flower room :D

Just kidding :p Would I have my city and state listed if I ran a grow house? Maybe :D
I am in my car right now!!!!!!!
I'll call when I hit the state line. You can talk me in from there.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm rather surprised at the response to this thread, I figured it would just dissapear into the abyss like so many threads.

*nods to OP*

Well done.:D


I'm rather surprised at the response to this thread, I figured it would just dissapear into the abyss like so many threads.

*nods to OP*

Well done.:D

I'm just letting it slide since it hasn't gotten out of hand.
But I know others will not.


This is a picture of my basement, not shown are the carbon filters, blowers, or hydroponic supplies, just buds buds buds!!! Sorry for the orange glow, but each light is a 1000 watt hortilux High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulb. After this grow, I'm putting some Martin Logans in the flower room :D

Just kidding :p Would I have my city and state listed if I ran a grow house? Maybe :D
nice looks good


I would guess by the response that there are not alot of 420 goin on the audioholics forum. That being said I do not smoke but my brother who has MS uses it to control his muscular twitches and speech stammering.He has been dealing with it for years and medical pot is the only thing that has helped him. There are many people who need pot to live a normal life and I believe that it should be legal for doctors to prescribe to people who have tried other cure and this works for them. I also think we all should be utilizing hemp more than our country does. I have a pair of simple brand shoes that are made of hemp and they are quite comfortable. I also believe that we taxpayers are paying way to much to keep non-violent potheads in jail. These people don't go out and smoke a joint and drive their cars head on into a family of 4 killing innocent people and drunk drivers should be sentenced to much longer terms than 30 or 90 days. I have lost a couple of friends to drunk driving and I have no sympathy for anyone locked up for drunk driving. We are all in control of our own actions and we should all be held accountable for those actions. "FREE TOMMY CHONG"....... just kidding..Have a great monday there folks


I would guess by the response that there are not alot of 420 goin on the audioholics forum. That being said I do not smoke but my brother who has MS uses it to control his muscular twitches and speech stammering.He has been dealing with it for years and medical pot is the only thing that has helped him. There are many people who need pot to live a normal life and I believe that it should be legal for doctors to prescribe to people who have tried other cure and this works for them. I also think we all should be utilizing hemp more than our country does. I have a pair of simple brand shoes that are made of hemp and they are quite comfortable. I also believe that we taxpayers are paying way to much to keep non-violent potheads in jail. These people don't go out and smoke a joint and drive their cars head on into a family of 4 killing innocent people and drunk drivers should be sentenced to much longer terms than 30 or 90 days. I have lost a couple of friends to drunk driving and I have no sympathy for anyone locked up for drunk driving. We are all in control of our own actions and we should all be held accountable for those actions. "FREE TOMMY CHONG"....... just kidding..Have a great monday there folks

You are right, potheads aren't those types of people. It is however the fella's trafficking 40lbs (random number) of it that keep an unlawful sidearm on their person and wont hestitate to use when they're dealing... And then innocent people can get hurt, maimed, or killed. It is these types that end up in jail, and rightfully so. Not too many tax dollars are spent on those who smoke a joint every now and again, the money is being spent on stopping the grow-ops that steal energy from the companies, which makes our energy bills go up. The money is spent on large scale federal agencies whom target big time organized crime.

The issue is rightfully controversial, proponents for both sides have reasonable arguements to further their position. However, at the end of the day in Canada and the U.S it is a controlled substance, and use outside of that is frowned upon. I've had plenty of experience with it, and I have to say that personally I feel that pot presents its own dangers. I've seen many a person abuse it, and they are not functional participants in society as a result. On the other hand, I've seen lots whom use it and are quite valuable assets to the communities they are a part of. I'm of the position that it should be a controlled substance by the government, and that new legislation should be created in order to address its use and consumption. At least with legalizing its use, if done correctly, could provide us with valuable information. (IE: Long term studies of its use, stats, etc). That said, there are also far more pressing things to deal with in government then the use of pot, so I don't see the law regarding its use changing any time soon.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

My screen name my offend some, but truth be known I'm a C 3-4 Quadriplegic paralysed from the lower neck down. I'm typing this with my mouth, I have to be feed, showered, everything you have to do to an infant...Total Care Quad for 20 years, but I want no sympathy, life is damn good.

I to suffer from muscle spasms, and use marijuana to help my prescribed drugs. I don't drink, abuse prescription drugs, or anything harmful, but I do smoke pot. If you think less of me get over it.

The picture in my above post I snagged off of a website just for humor. 6000 watts is a big grow, I'd love to have that crop in my freezer!
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