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Audioholic Chief
People are mad at pot because of the popular "gangsta" culture. Not because of medicinal use.

I wouldn't see everybody either have a johnny in their basement every day or 2. It would be calling for general degradation of society. I can see the difference in behaviour of someone who smokes a lot and don't tell me it can help!

I'm mad at people who goes "WHOOOOOOOOOO! yeah!" everytimes they see a drawing of a pot plant somewhere as I am mad at people who think they are cool when they recite you the list of booze they took at a party 2 days ago, being equally cool that they don't remember a thing and that they put a carrot up in Dave's a$$ when he passed out.

Stupid behavior... that's what it is.


Damn Dave must be hurtin for certain that is sooooo not cool braaaaaa....


Audioholic Overlord
The whole pop culture (drinking and smoking) I find irritating, but I guess girls like it. I'll just have to wait a few more years before they get out of that phase of perpetual stupidity.


Senior Audioholic
If it wasnt illegal i might would partake in some. I cant afford to get caught in a random drug test and lose my job. I wouldnt hold it against anyone who does smoke it though, there are a lot worse drugs out there than pot. If everyone quit all drugs, we would prolly kill each other off very rapidly:D

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Audioholic Chief
Heh, the point of this was to start a light convo on a Sunday. I didn't mean to start a debate. haha

The whole pop culture (drinking and smoking) I find irritating, but I guess girls like it. I'll just have to wait a few more years before they get out of that phase of perpetual stupidity.
Well, the party culture is a disaster in general. But, that's fueled by alcohol. They might occasionally smoke, but, most smokers don't mess with that culture (its the opposite of what you want to do stoned). It's just annoying, like you said. They won't grow out of it in a few years, they become alcoholics, which is even worse.

But, you can find a girl that's not into that. The girls that spend their whole college and young life in a bar end up with no skills and generally end up as a waste of space for the rest of their lives. You don't want to date a girl like that anyways.

You'll find a good one!


Audioholic Spartan
At least with legalizing its use, if done correctly, could provide us with valuable information. (IE: Long term studies of its use, stats, etc).
I had a class in college called 'drugs and society' (sociology elective). There have been lots of long term studies and just like other health related studies the results were somewhat inconclusive as the various studies drew differing conclusions.

The main thing though was that it has never been shown to be physically addictive like cocaine or other 'hard' drugs. It has loosely been shown to be psychologically addictive but only to certain personality types. In other words some people seem to have a proclivity towards becoming addicted to anything they do regularly while others can look at it as no big thing (think casual drinkers vs alcoholics - a casual drinker doesn't crave alchohol).

More than one doctor has said that if it came in a pill they wouldn't have any issue with it (note: doctors I know casually, not in the media). It's the smoke part of it that can be damaging to your lungs just like tobacco smoke; however, if I recall correctly the various studies we examined in the class showed little to no incidences of cancer in the subjects that smoke mj exclusively and not tobacco.


Republican Poster Boy
Pot smoke contains far more carcinogens than tobacco smoke and far more tar. Smoking a pack of joints a day would very quickly destroy your lungs and your brain and it also does damage at the genetic level. Studies that try and show it is less harmful than tobacco are being dishonest to try and further their agenda of getting it legalized. I have no problem with taking any medicinal qualities of pot and making into a pill if it helps people who suffer with pain from cancer or can help with glaucoma. Making it legal so stupid people can smoke it then get behind the steering wheel, or so it can become even easier for our youth to get is ludicrous and dangerous. Drug users are just about the lowest form of scum there is, above them are the dealers and below them are child molesters.


Audioholic Intern

I think its funny :rolleyes: if it was monday i would have called in sick........well SICK.. yeah thats it.....Im sick...anyway i love the holiday and im going to ask my boss to give it paid next year.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Drug users are just about the lowest form of scum there is, above them are the dealers and below them are child molesters.
Remember that alcohol and nicotine are both drugs too mr. moderater. So think before you speak next time.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Pot smoke contains far more carcinogens than tobacco smoke and far more tar. Smoking a pack of joints a day would very quickly destroy your lungs and your brain and it also does damage at the genetic level.
Sounds like you have been exposed to extreme right-wing brainwashing. From a scientific point of view, none of your points are even remotely close to being true. Cigarettes are, in fact, substantially more harmful than pot (you don't have to take my word for it, there are studies which prove this.) Alcohol is also extremely harmful if used in excess.
(Remember too that only a really hardcore pothead would consume as many joints daily as even a moderate smoker does cigarettes.)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
If it wasnt illegal i might would partake in some. I cant afford to get caught in a random drug test and lose my job. I wouldnt hold it against anyone who does smoke it though, there are a lot worse drugs out there than pot. If everyone quit all drugs, we would prolly kill each other off very rapidly:D

Sometimes I think that way too, since that was one of the reasons I gave it up after leaving the protected environment of high school. Another reason, however, is that it sapped my motivation and made me lazy (not to mention paranoid.) That would still be the case, and is probably sufficient to keep me away from it if it does become legal.
The police need to ignore pot and focus on the really harmful drugs, especially meth.


while inhaling any type of smoke is not a healthy practice, pot is an expectrant, oddly enough. What people do in their own homes is of no concern to me, i just dont like people thrusting their views on me or my family, or when individuals think its a merrit badge to let others know they smoke.


Republican Poster Boy
Sounds like you have been exposed to extreme right-wing brainwashing. From a scientific point of view, none of your points are even remotely close to being true. Cigarettes are, in fact, substantially more harmful than pot (you don't have to take my word for it, there are studies which prove this.) Alcohol is also extremely harmful if used in excess.
(Remember too that only a really hardcore pothead would consume as many joints daily as even a moderate smoker does cigarettes.)
Balderdash and pothead propaganda. Pot smoke is far more dangerous than cigarette smoke and there a too many studies to even list that have proved it.

From the NE Journal of medicine and just one of many that have come to the same conclusion.

"To compare the pulmonary hazards of smoking marijuana and tobacco, we quantified the relative burden to the lung of insoluble particulates (tar) and carbon monoxide from the smoke of similar quantities of marijuana and tobacco. The 15 subjects, all men, had smoked both marijuana and tobacco habitually for at least five years. We measured each subject's blood carboxyhemoglobin level before and after smoking and the amount of tar inhaled and deposited in the respiratory tract from the smoke of single filter-tipped tobacco cigarettes (900 to 1200 mg) and marijuana cigarettes (741 to 985 mg) containing 0.004 percent or 1.24 percent delta 9-tetrahydrocanabinol. As compared with smoking tobacco, smoking marijuana was associated with a nearly fivefold greater increment in the blood carboxyhemoglobin level, an approximately threefold increase in the amount of tar inhaled, and retention in the respiratory tract of one third more inhaled tar (P less than 0.001). Significant differences were also noted in the dynamics of smoking marijuana and tobacco, among them an approximately two-thirds larger puff volume, a one-third greater depth of inhalation, and a fourfold longer breath-holding time with marijuana than with tobacco (P less than 0.01). Smoking dynamics and the delivery of tar during marijuana smoking were only slightly influenced by the percentage of tetrahydrocanabinol. We conclude that smoking marijuana, regardless of tetrahydrocannabinol content, results in a substantially greater respiratory burden of carbon monoxide and tar than smoking a similar quantity of tobacco."

And another good one here.
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Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Balderdash and pothead propaganda.
I know who has been subject to propaganda in this exchange, and it is not me.
(Of course, quoting Ronald Reagan in your signature pretty much undermines any credibility you might otherwise have had.)
I still have a few friends who are potheads, and they take maybe 2 or 3 hits in a day. Compare that with smoking a pack or more of cigarettes a day. Even if the falsehood about it having 5X the tar were true, it would still be less in total.


Republican Poster Boy
I know who has been subject to propaganda in this exchange, and it is not me.
(Of course, quoting Ronald Reagan in your signature pretty much undermines any credibility you might otherwise have had.)
I still have a few friends who are potheads, and they take maybe 2 or 3 hits in a day. Compare that with smoking a pack or more of cigarettes a day. Even if the falsehood about it having 5X the tar were true, it would still be less in total.
Typical extreme leftist response and predictable. When confronted with truth and facts to back it up they resort to personal insults:rolleyes:

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Typical extreme leftist response and predictable. When confronted with truth and facts to back it up they resort to personal insults:rolleyes:
The real studies into pot and its effects were done (ironically enough) under the Nixon administration. Since the findings were not what the consrervative government wanted to hear, they covered them up. Since then, they have learned how to spin the results their way. (Notice, for example, the utterly ridiculous use of only test subjects who use both pot and tobacco!)
There is not a single documented case of someone getting lung cancer from smoking only pot.


Audioholic Ninja
Putting any smoke into your lungs whether it's pot or tobacco is foolish. As for legalizing pot, we have enough problems and health issues with what's legal, so why add fuel to the fire? Drugs have away of getting into kids hands, why make it easier? Our health system is in shambles, why burden it with even more patients. I like alcohol (very, very moderately), but if it's banned tomorrow....hey that's life, I won't be controlled by a liquid or a piece of weed. As for medicinal use, that's up tp the authorities, but don't ask it be accepted from a moral perspective and expect everyone to go along with you. I'm a parent and I'm very involved in my kid's life, I for one don't want him to have easy access to it. I still, from time to time, run into "acquaintances" from high school, those that were into the pot scene haven't amounted to much, some still use pot as a crutch to deal with life or as an excuse for their sorry state of affairs. As for the benign uses of pot I give you Ricky Williams as exhibit A: Gifted, wealthy, promising career, all down the drain for the love of a stinky piece of weed, how weak can a man get? Or is his problem addiction? Oh wait pot's not addictive, right?


Audioholic Samurai
I think its funny :rolleyes: if it was monday i would have called in sick........well SICK.. yeah thats it.....Im sick...anyway i love the holiday and im going to ask my boss to give it paid next year.
I'll take a Quarter Pounder with cheese, and large fries please.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
The one and only issue I have with pot has nothing to do with pot itself: Where it is found, other drugs are often found also, and these can be vastly more dangerous. One of the biggest concerns is someone buying from a dealer they don't know and trust, and getting pot laced with PCP (really nasty stuff!:eek:)
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