You have interested parties who are pissed off. I have always voted republican, but I have to say Senator Obama is in touch. People are angry. I'm mad as hell at corporate America right now. Just look how they have committed treason against America and the West.
They have sent jobs to Asia, without accountability or oversight. They have had a good go at poisoning our children. Now I know there is lead in the plumbing parts there should not be, although the media do not have wind of this.
They manufacture substandard tires and put us all and risk on the road.
They fail to properly inspect aircraft.
All the time sending good paying jobs overseas, and making good folk desperate for their future.
Just take a look at Newton Iowa the former home of Maytag. Corporate mergers and sending jobs overseas has closed the factory. All that is left for the employees, who took such pride in making appliances that were the envy of the world, is to set up a wonderful museum to former glories. Now as far as I can tell the big box stores are full of Korean junk.
Then the bankers and mortgage brokers completely took leave of their senses and made poor loans. They were dishonest and certified them as good loans. When everything went sour and a significant portion of the wealth of the nation evaporated, Americas' good financial reputation and trust has evaporated with it.
We have been content to let China make the loins share of our manufactured goods, and we are in debt to them. The dollar is in free fall from all this malfeasance and stupidity, so the only place the US dollar has value is here. So the Chinese and Arabs are buying everything in America they can get their hands on. That gentlemen is how you loose your sovereignty effectively.
Currently America is in the hands of fools. I'm mad as hell and so should everybody else be.