Too many "me tooers" eh?
I think it's curious that the consensus on this forum usually is "
everything sounds the same", given paragraphs like the last one on
this page of AH's Marantz PM-11S1 review.
I guess it's my sometimes pedantic nature that I bring it up, but you're right, there is a big difference between "everything" sounds the same, and "things of similar design...", or "the things I have tested...", or "things that have been competently designd...", after all to rightly say "
everything sounds the same" one would have had to tested
everything - now there have been enough ABX and DB tests that one can say with confidence that generally, most will sound the same, but certainly, even speaker wire can sound different in particular situations. But when there is a real audible difference, it is for known electrical reasons, not because of leprechaun mucus or snake oil.