What sub for under $200



Audioholic Spartan
I am looking to get a sub for my bedroom system. I would prefer a 12" sub, and want to keep it under $200. Right now I'm really considering the Dayton 12" from parts express. Is there something out there that would be better for the money?


Audioholic Chief
There's the BIC America Venturi V1220. Can find it online for under $200.

Don't know how it compares to the Dayton. I'm just putting it out there as another alternative.

Bic America Venturi


Audioholic Samurai
Interestingly, every one that I can remember that has purchased the Dayton 10" or 12" powered subwoofers, regardless of forum, has claimed it is the best for the price-range that they have found. Take that for what's it's worth; but I would probably the try the Dayton as well, if targeting that price-range for a self-powered complete subwoofer unit.

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i know this is wildly out of budget...

use your PC2039 in the bedroom ... get a new sub! everybody but your wallet happy! :)


Audioholic General
The Dayton you noted does seem to be a very good contender in that price range. Is buying used a consideration? Might be able to find someone upgrading and selling their older 12" for around this price tag.

Is size a consideration also? Lastly, would DIY be an option for you? You could likely build a very solid 12" sub for ~$200... -TD


Audioholic Spartan
i know this is wildly out of budget...

use your PC2039 in the bedroom ... get a new sub! everybody but your wallet happy! :)
Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind, but that would be dangerous... The 2039 PC+ is already a beast in the room it's in now, I can't imagine what it would do in my bedroom :eek: If I could afford a Def Tech Trinity Signature sub, I would put the SVS in my room.

I've heard the Dayton 10 and thought it was pretty good for the price. I can get the Dayton 12 for about $180 shipped, so that seems pretty good to me. Not really interested in DIY, but I wouldn't mind used as long as it was a pretty good deal.

The bedroom system won't really get that much use, so I'm not to concerned about having a super quality sub in there, since all the action movies with lots of bass will be watched on my main system. I just want something to add some decent low end for regular tv/casual movie watching.


Audioholic Jedi
For the funds, the Dayton is probably the way I'd go too. Otherwise, an X-sub from AV123, which will get you decent output at 25Hz also, and be a bit smaller and better looking.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
For a bedroom sub I'd look for something small, like an 8". Unless you have a fairly large bedroom, then maybe a 10". I think a 12" sub is nice, but way overkill. Generally bedroom systems are smaller and not listened to as loudly. Plus the footprint on a smaller sub may be more user friendly, depending on space. Or you could go with with what mike c said and put that money toward a bigger, badder boy for the main area.



Audioholic Spartan
I definitely don't need a better sub for my main system, and I sometimes like to turn things up loud even in the bedroom. I don't want somethig small like an 8 since they don't play as low or loud as larger subs, and the size of a 12 isn't a concern... unless it's something like a SVS box sub. I wouldn't mind having a SVS 25-31 PCi though... if I could find one used for a reasonable price, I guess I would save up for it.


That dayton sub 120 will definatly deliver especially for the price it sells at.People say it is better suited for HT but I think it sounds good for music. I listen to rap music and latin music and it sounds good to me.It really shined on the movie Transformers.(only movie I have really tested because of the neighbors.) It's obviously not thr best, you can save a little more and get something better but this is where it's at under 200 dollars shipped to your home.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks for the replies everyone... I think I'll stick with the Dayton, it's pretty hard to beat for the money. It will probably end up getting used for music more than tv/movies, so I like it to be a little boomy, which it is.


Audioholic Samurai
Thanks for the replies everyone... I think I'll stick with the Dayton, it's pretty hard to beat for the money. It will probably end up getting used for music more than tv/movies, so I like it to be a little boomy, which it is.
Note: If it is in fact peaking around port tuning frequency, which might be interpreted as 'boomy' if it's not room acoustics causing the 'boom', then you can add additional acoustic dampening/stuffing in the box and reduce this effect, if so desired. Also note that with this size enclosure, and 150 watt amplifier, you could later drop in a high quality driver like the Infinity Kappa Perfect VQ 12 w/midQ motor insert and plug up the port on that cabinet to make it sealed. The result would be a -3dB of around 34Hz, -6dB by 27Hz and -10dB by 21Hz. This woofer would provide extreme low distortion and reasonably high output levels with this amplifier.



Senior Audioholic
It depends if you're in a hurry or not, but my under $200 solution was a Hsu STF-2 from craigslist.


Audioholic Spartan
Note: If it is in fact peaking around port tuning frequency, which might be interpreted as 'boomy' if it's not room acoustics causing the 'boom', then you can add additional acoustic dampening/stuffing in the box and reduce this effect, if so desired. Also note that with this size enclosure, and 150 watt amplifier, you could later drop in a high quality driver like the Infinity Kappa Perfect VQ 12 w/midQ motor insert and plug up the port on that cabinet to make it sealed. The result would be a -3dB of around 34Hz, -6dB by 27Hz and -10dB by 21Hz. This woofer would provide extreme low distortion and reasonably high output levels with this amplifier.

I've only heard the Dayton 10 in my old very small bedroom for a short period of time, until it was put in the persons house who bought the sub, and even that room was small. But maybe it just seemed boomy because I'm used to how my SVS sub sounds. Either way, it didn't sound bad, and had a lot of output for it's size, or at least for the size of rooom it was in. But I would consider dropping in a different sub at some point in the future, but for that much trouble, I would proably just sell it once I've saved up more money abd get something like an HSU or the SVS SB12. I think I will be getting the Dayton 12 for my birthday wich is in just over a month, so I'm not actually buying it, so it can't be too expensive.

Thank you everyone for your input and suggestions.


Audioholic General
It's just about the same direct from Parts Express(just a hair cheaper at PE), but I think the shipping will come in a bit cheaper than what's on the eBay listing... -TD


Audioholic Slumlord
I've got a question regarding these $200 subs. I have an Infinity PS 10 which has been replaced by what they now call a PS 210. They typically go for just under $200.
I would like to match my PS 10 for a dual sub set up but can only find the PS 210 refurbs. How would either of these compare to the Dayton 10"? Are the two Infinity subs (PS 10 and PS 210) well suited as a matched pair? Their spec's are identical but I understand that Infinity used cheaper drivers and cheaper crossovers in their newest Primus line which have resulted in a poorer off axis response.

In the 12" department Infinity has a PS 12 and the newer PS 212 version. The 12" subs appear to go 2hz lower and have an extra 100 watts over the 10" subs.
My volume requirements are easily met with my lone PS 10 and 2hz seems negligible. Size is a major factor to me.

I guess the merits of Infinity's various 10's and 12's are moot if I find out that Dayton has 'em licked. I would then sell my Infinity 10" and get a couple of 10" Daytons. So, how's this gonna pan out for me?


Audioholic Spartan
Actually the sub would be cheaper if bought from parts express once shipping is figured in, and I would rather purchase it from them than off ebay.


I would forego a sub and spend the extra cash on decent speakers until you can afford a sub in excess of $300. IMHO, anything less than $200 is a glorified noise maker, worthy of only a Bose emblem. Sorry.

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