When is justice to be served?



Audioholic Warlord
Let us not forget Oh Bama's wife, who stated after a primary victory, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of America."

Gosh, after over 200 years, finally America has something to be proud of. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
And what IQ does Obama's wife have? 10? :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
Let us not forget Oh Bama's wife, who stated after a primary victory, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of America."

Gosh, after over 200 years, finally America has something to be proud of. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Or the fact that he has constructed clever little excuses for that, for the fact that he refuses to hold his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegience, or that he refuses to wear an American Flag pin on his lapel - once this Wright thing came out, suddenly everything made sense to me. I just wonder why in the hell he hasn't been run out of his own campaign at this point. :confused: It's sickening and saddening to think that this guy could very well be our next Commander in Chief. :mad:

Who was it that said, we'll get what we deserve if we vote this America-hating a$$ clown into office. Nobody to blame but ourselves when the castle comes crumbing down all around us...


Audioholic Warlord
The whole discussion is over a moot point. The Chinese government cannot be convinced to quit Tibet, nor can they be expelled by force. China's persistent claim to Taiwan demonstrates their resolve to pursue what they see as their rightful claims on territory. Further to that, China has already announced that it will go to war and use nukes if anybody including the U.S. interferes with it's plans in Taiwan.

You can think of it like the Cold War with the USSR, which took nearly 50 years to release the countries of Eastern Europe from Soviet control. China will not fall prey to the USSR's downfall, however. The Chinese leaders are not stupid and have learned from the USSR's bankruptcy. Rather than draining their economy by strict adherence to communist principles, China is growing wealthier and economically more powerful every day through international trade. Unlike the USSR, China is here to stay, growing stronger and more determined to pursue it's national interests. Tibet??? Feel bad, but forget about actually doing anything. Tibet will be free when China decides it will be free and there's not a damn thing anybody can do to influence that.
There is a force that's stronger than war by now and that's one of the reason the Chinese houses the Olympics
The Chinese want to show the whole world how clever they are and what a nice developed country it is, in the long run they probably hope to gain financially from this... I think the only reason China houses olympics has to do with MONEY!
If the Chinese may be convinced that the occupation of Tibet may have an adverse long term effect on tourism, business or parts of the economy that really may hurt, then they will withdraw from China.
Trouble is, China is sooooooooooooooo large........


Audioholic Warlord
Well put. No, instead we have Sean Penn making house calls to Hugo Chavez, like they're old pals. It makes me sick to my stomach. Makes me even sicker still that people are still considering voting for Obama despite his ties with this Wright fellow, who is obviously full of hatred and discontent for America. But that's food for a different meal I suppose...
Who can we trust these days if it's not for the Hollywood actors? they always want to save the world, especially when they may get a nice leading role in the next movie based on their actions :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
Who can we trust these days if it's not for the Hollywood actors? they always want to save the world, especially when they may get a nice leading role in the next movie based on their actions :eek:
Pffffftt... I think Hollywood actors should stay the frik in Hollywood and continue doing what they do best - act. I think Sean Penn is a fantastic actor, and I love many of his movies, but on a personal level, I think he's just another POS I would rather see scraped off the ground and disposed of.


Audioholic Ninja
ACTOR = "Gk. HYPOKRITES= pretender, actor on the stage."

Need I say more.
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Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
It's sickening and saddening to think that this guy could very well be our next Commander in Chief. :mad:
Nobody could be worse than the idiot we have now. Even some random bum off the street would be an improvement.
Which democrat wins is not as important as getting rid of the republican administration (and lets go for a democratic congress also, while we're at it.:))


Audioholic Samurai
Nobody could be worse than the idiot we have now. Even some random bum off the street would be an improvement.
Which democrat wins is not as important as getting rid of the republican administration (and lets go for a democratic congress also, while we're at it.:))
Hehe... you're always good for a laugh Joe. Thank you. :) But seriously, why not let the people who have a better idea of what's going on in this country/world handle it from here on out. You've got some speaker stands to contend with. :cool:


Audioholic Ninja
You crack me up!:D We have a winner!

Ladies and gentlemen, behind door number 1, the reason we're headed for the dust-bin of history:

Nobody could be worse than the idiot we have now. Even some random bum off the street would be an improvement.
Which democrat wins is not as important as getting rid of the republican administration (and lets go for a democratic congress also, while we're at it.:))


Audioholic Warlord
Nobody could be worse than the idiot we have now. Even some random bum off the street would be an improvement.
Which democrat wins is not as important as getting rid of the republican administration (and lets go for a democratic congress also, while we're at it.:))
Quote of the year :D


Audioholic Ninja
Now if Joe could really get into the social/ geopolitical ramifications of electing either turncoat representing the democratic party.:D


Audioholic Warlord
Now if Joe could really get into the social/ geopolitical ramifications of electing either turncoat representing the democratic party.:D
Come on Joe, it's not to late, you may start to run for a Senator position :)

You only need a couple of million dollars to get there.....

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Come on Joe, it's not to late, you may start to run for a Senator position :)

You only need a couple of million dollars to get there.....
I felt betrayed the day that the American people re-elected the shrub, in spite of the obvious damage that he caused in his first term. If there had been a time when I wanted to be involved in politics previously, that would have ended it. Suddenly, it felt like living in a foreign country.


Audioholic Warlord
I felt betrayed the day that the American people re-elected the shrub, in spite of the obvious damage that he caused in his first term. If there had been a time when I wanted to be involved in politics previously, that would have ended it. Suddenly, it felt like living in a foreign country.
That's pretty strong words, If it's any relief... The shrub doesn't get any stars where I live.... Well if he got any it would be from a mighty powerful kick in the face ;)


Audioholic Samurai
I felt betrayed the day that the American people re-elected the shrub, in spite of the obvious damage that he caused in his first term. If there had been a time when I wanted to be involved in politics previously, that would have ended it. Suddenly, it felt like living in a foreign country.
Right..... you really have no clue do you. If I were you I would be counting the luxuries you do have at the expense of a dual party governmental system, and the safety and security that you have enjoyed during the last 7 years. Interesting you would say how it feels to live in a foreign country, yet you've never been to a foreign country. There is a major reason people from all over the world are hopping over each other to get in you know.

So, go ahead and keep up the outstanding work Schmoe - you and those like you will help ensure that this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than mere typical liberal ranting. We will either be speaking Chinese or praying to Allah, take your pick.


Audioholic Ninja
Right..... you really have no clue do you. If I were you I would be counting the luxuries you do have at the expense of a dual party governmental system, and the safety and security that you have enjoyed during the last 7 years. Interesting you would say how it feels to live in a foreign country, yet you've never been to a foreign country. There is a major reason people from all over the world are hopping over each other to get in you know.

So, go ahead and keep up the outstanding work Schmoe - you and those like you will help ensure that this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than mere typical liberal ranting. We will either be speaking Chinese or praying to Allah, take your pick.
Hell, I'm moving to Norway and taking up ice fishing.


Audioholic Warlord
Well, you could go to Nigeria and compare the living standards there with even the worst places in the US, the worst ghettos you have heard about would seem like heaven


Audioholic Warlord
Hell, I'm moving to Norway and taking up ice fishing.
Some places in the south of Norway are fantastic!!!! at summertime, small cosy places with white wooden houses and friendly people, you may sit at the dock in the sunshine with a pint and having a nice summer breeze from the sea sweep your face.... while you may look at the ocean just out there :cool:

We're having such a holiday this summer, I'll post some photos later If you like :D

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