Mockery of the Office of President

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Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
So, what's your solution Joe - you've stated before you would vote Democrat either way, so do you really think Obama or Hillary is right for this country? Forget Bush for a second - his term is almost over, it's time to look ahead already. :cool:
You are in the wrong thread for looking ahead. It was started for the purpose of dragging Bush and Clinton through the dirt.
(Oh, and Bill's record is irrelevant to Hilary. She is very much her own person.)


Audioholic Samurai
You are in the wrong thread for looking ahead. It was started for the purpose of dragging Bush and Clinton through the dirt.
(Oh, and Bill's record is irrelevant to Hilary. She is very much her own person.)
Right, keep believing that one buddy. ;) I guess we're all in the wrong thread - the OP was clearly bait to get us all to bare our fangs once more on politics, but it's apparent you only see this as a prime opportunity to jump up on your Anti-Bush soapbox and holler, instead of joining in on a worthwhile, intelligent discussion that is backed up by factual evidence from both sides of the fence.
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Audioholic Spartan
(Oh, and Bill's record is irrelevant to Hilary. She is very much her own person.)
Sorry for the re-post. It may fit here though.

In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Packers next season. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers.
During this period of time she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.
Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City, County, or State. When told that Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the white house; Former Clinton advisor Mr. Richard Morris stated "So has the pastry chef."


Audioholic Samurai
Joe, not to single you out - I don't dislike you in any way, I do not know you personally, and I'd probably sit down and have a beer with you under any other circumstances, but allow me to be a little more clear. You do this every single time the topic of politics comes up, and make yourself an easy target because for all the discussion taking place - despite which side of the argument - you have never been able to offer anything more substantial to the discussion, other than what amounts to "Bush sucks..." Meanwhile, people are swapping hard facts, figures, numbers, and evidence to back up their own argument, and you chime in the middle of it with "It's Bush's fault..." So - what exactly is your point then? Your posts are juvenile...

We may be divided on the issue (as a reflection of our society as a whole, and apparent on this forum), but each of us seems to have something worthwhile to say - despite our political leanings, I like to think that we're all a fairly intelligent, educated group of individuals and cave-people, and this is what it's like to jump in the ring with the big boys, like it or not. I'm in no way saying you are not intelligent - I've read your A/V posts and understand you to be quite the opposite, but I've invited you time and again before to bring something real to the table, and you have yet to do it.

So, what say you then? :rolleyes:

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
you have never been able to offer anything more substantial to the discussion, other than what amounts to "Bush sucks..."
Bush does suck. There is really nothing else to add.


Audioholic Ninja
Correct. Look what the Bush Nazis did to Dan Rather when he found out about Dubya's draft dodging. Funny what a selective memory the public has, isn't it?
You mean after it was proved that the story was bogus, and CBS (not conservative bastion in the least) decided to can him, how Bush had anything to do with this escapes logic. Or the proven fact the Bubba is a draft dodger.


Audioholic Samurai
You mean after it was proved that the story was bogus, and CBS (not conservative bastion in the least) decided to can him, how Bush had anything to do with this escapes logic. Or the proven fact the Bubba is a draft dodger.
Yup, might as well blame Bush for Hurricane Katrina happening... oh wait :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
I just had a moment of lucidity: Ironically (except for Iraq) liberals bash Bush for being a liberal. He over spends and bloats government (liberal m.o.), promises to do something about healthcare and doesn't (liberal m.o.), promises to do something about social security, the middle class, and doesn't do it (liberal m.o.), taxes? Ditto. Hell the only right thing he's done is Iraq! He's kept the towelheads at bay! So come on libs vote Republican, you'll be better off.


Audioholic Ninja
No, I'm right. Actually it's kept the terrorists at bay.

Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
Not trying to be positive in this thread, but in my lifetime, I think Eisenhower was probably the best holder of the office. The choice for 08 are pretty sad.



Audioholic Ninja
Everytime I think of Clinton I hear David Lee Roth singing in the background: "I'm just a gigolo.........:D

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Tell that to a Marine. But if I were you I'd make sure I have some good dental insurance, because you would need it. :cool:
I totally respect the Marines (and all soldiers.) It is the idiot giving the orders who deserves disrespect, ridicule, and abuse.


Audioholic Ninja
Just a gigolo
everywhere I go
people know the part
I'm playing

Paid for every dance
selling each romance
every night some heart

There will come a day
youth will pass away
then what will they say
about me

When the end comes I know
they'll say just a gigolo
as life goes on
without me

'Cause I aint got nobody
nobody nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely
sad and lonely sad and lonely
Won't some sweet mama
come and take a chance with me
cause I aint so bad

Get along with me babe,
been singin love songs
All of the time
Even only be, honey only, only be
Bop bozadee bozadee bop zitty bop

I ain't got nobody 'cept love songs in love
Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla
hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop

I ain't got nobody, nobody,
nobody cares for me
Nobody , nobody
I'm so sad and lonely,
sad and lonely,
sad and lonely,
Won't some sweet mama come
and take a chance with me
cause I aint so bad

Get along with me babe,
been singin love songs
All of the time
Even only be, honey only, only be

Scene: Slick Willie sportin' a tux and cane tap-dancing on the capitol steps.


Audioholic Samurai
I totally respect the Marines (and all soldiers.) It is the idiot giving the orders who deserves disrespect, ridicule, and abuse.
Nobody deserves that Joe - grow up. As much as I can't stand Bill Clinton, he's still a human being. You tell me that you are free from fault, flaw and poor judgment, then you can hold others in contempt like that. But ah... I'm pretty sure you're not, so - oh well, right?
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