She loves my Dynaudio!!!



Audioholic Spartan
I keep hearing good things about Aerial, but i haven't had the pleasure of hearing any of them yet. Enjoy them jinx free.


Audioholic Ninja
I keep hearing good things about Aerial, but i haven't had the pleasure of hearing any of them yet. Enjoy them jinx free.
If they arrive undamaged by the gorillas dressed in brown I'll consider the jinx negated! ;)

Thanks, Dave. By the way, my missus got in her...uh...'making up for your speakers' order tonight...two of the Great Courses DVD sets. Jeez, that's almost as much as the speakers. :eek: Have you priced those lately? Yikes.


Audioholic General
Recently updated my system with some Audience 52's. Boy do these sound nice. The midrange and highs are truly something special. Will have some pics up in the next day or two.


How is the Crown amp working out for you. Is the fan an issue in such a small place. We are Crown and QSC dealers and I can get amps at cost. So its real tempting. My NAD C325BEE is nice and doing fine. But I will be moving soon and will be looking for a bigger amp for the larger living room they will be in. Been thinking about something from the RMX or PLX line from QSC.

Nice to see other Dynaudio owners.


Audioholic Slumlord
Congrats on a job well done. I wish my wife was into it like yours. Enjoy them!! :)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
The only Dynaudios I have ever seen online are their studio monitors.


Audioholic Spartan
If they arrive undamaged by the gorillas dressed in brown I'll consider the jinx negated! ;)

Thanks, Dave. By the way, my missus got in her...uh...'making up for your speakers' order tonight...two of the Great Courses DVD sets. Jeez, that's almost as much as the speakers. :eek: Have you priced those lately? Yikes.
I haven't heard of those before, but it does look like some courses. I hardly consider her efforts to learn as retaliation of sorts, unless your the kind of guy who makes his wife dress all in white so the dishwasher matches the other appliances.:D

Actually, we are taking a trip to Chicago but her idea of "getting her own back" is to go crazy shopping at Victoria's Secret while we're there. That's a punishment I'll gladly take.


Audioholic Ninja
I haven't heard of those before, but it does look like some courses. I hardly consider her efforts to learn as retaliation of sorts, unless your the kind of guy who makes his wife dress all in white so the dishwasher matches the other appliances.:D

Actually, we are taking a trip to Chicago but her idea of "getting her own back" is to go crazy shopping at Victoria's Secret while we're there. That's a punishment I'll gladly take.
OMG...Dave, does your wife wash the dishes in VS gear?! ;) You guys must be a lot younger than we. My wife only laughs (heartily) when I suggest such a purchase.

The Great Courses really ARE. One can purchase sets of lectures on DVD for a multitude of courses taught by generally renowned teachers.

Unlike me, she enjoys intellectual stimulation. Me...I'm still hung up on your Victoria's Secret shopping spree idea. :D (Actually, I'm saving up for the series, Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy.)


Audioholic Spartan
You can't be that old if you're still suggesting these kind of purchases. That she laughs at the suggestions must be a reflection of something else....Ooooooh, I didn't mean that, sorry.


Audioholic Spartan
Congrats Dave, Dynaudio makes some of the best sounding speakers I've ever heard. Smooth, refined, coherent. I've never heard ERA before so I don't know what kind of departure the Focus is, but your descriptions do help. For all of the brand I've heard, Dynaudio's would be on a very short list if I ever wanted new music mains.


Audioholic Ninja
You can't be that old if you're still suggesting these kind of purchases. That she laughs at the suggestions must be a reflection of something else....Ooooooh, I didn't mean that, sorry.
Hrummmppphhh. Is there a reason Canada has a higher birth rate than the U.S? :p (Nuthin else to do, lol?) I believe guys think about sex when they're drooling and barely alive at 100+ years old. Women...well...menopause is the Thor's Hammer in the battle of the sexes.


Audioholic Spartan
Congrats Dave, Dynaudio makes some of the best sounding speakers I've ever heard. Smooth, refined, coherent. I've never heard ERA before so I don't know what kind of departure the Focus is, but your descriptions do help. For all of the brand I've heard, Dynaudio's would be on a very short list if I ever wanted new music mains.
I haven't A/B'd the two side by side yet, but I will. For now, I'm watching Dave Matthews/Tim Reynolds on Blu-Ray and it sounds fantastic through the Dynaudios. I'm think of the Era as a heavier sounding speaker in comparison (though not what you would call ponderous), despite it's size. And it makes sense that I chose the Era initially since Metallica was an important part of my audition material at that time. Hard rock is still a large component of my listening and in this, the Era excel, especially when pushed hard.

In terms of value, with the Dynaudio being twice the price of the Era, it's a definite improvement by virtually every standard of comparison. But at their respective price points, I think both are worth every penny.


Audioholic Spartan
Hrummmppphhh. Is there a reason Canada has a higher birth rate than the U.S? :p (Nuthin else to do, lol?) I believe guys think about sex when they're drooling and barely alive at 100+ years old. Women...well...menopause is the Thor's Hammer in the battle of the sexes.
Menopause??? Isn't that the leading cause of divorce in North America?


Audioholic Chief
Rock/metal fan?! Did you audition Energy too?

I'd like to know your thoughts about the comparison if you did.


Audioholic Spartan
Very nice, I also like the pretty SVS I saw too.
Thanks for noticing my little corner pounder. I wish it were actually finished in Rosewood, but the had already changed to the Rosenut finish before I ordered it. It's just a little redder than the Rosewood speakers, but it's all good. It does it's job.

Continuing on the Dynaudio comments, I just had a chance to run them through some heavier source material, like Dio, Evanescence, Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Ozzy, etc. I can confirm my original suspicion that the Dynaudio have a lot less lower end punch, particularly on power tracks like Evanescence's "Everybody's Fool" or Metallica's "Holier Than Thou" or "Through The Never". It seems that the same qualities that make these such a fine speaker for so many other genre's make them a little less desirable for heavier music, i.e. the lightness and openness that makes them otherwise sound so good doesn''t translate well into music that supposed to be heavy. Also, the way that the Dynaudio present the voices, as I mentioned before, can start to sound a bit too bright at the higher volume levels and the genre I'm talking about here.

By comparison, various sections of music where I've come to look forward to solid hits and punchy bass/drum/guitar rhythms on the Era were underwhelming on the Dynaudio. I'm going to go on record and say, subject to further A/B listening, that the Era are far more suited for listening to heavier rock or metal. They do seem to be heavier, punchier and make quick transitions cleaner.

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