I tried a bunch of things back when I had the unit, because it was supposed to be such a great unit and able to lower the noise floor, etc... I tried for many hours, many things. This is what I recall (I also reviewed my actual emails to APC from Jan 2006):
1. I unplugged everything, I mean everything, except for the (1) H15, (2) the Rotel, and (2) the two speakers attached to the Rotel. No inputs to the Rotel (I even tried grounding the inputs to itself with no difference), and nothing plugged into the H15 except for the Rotel. Simply NO CHANCE FOR A GROUND LOOP. Buzzing was still there. And it wasn't a hum like as in a ground loop, but it was a buzz, the type that solid state electronics make.
2. I figured out that the dimmers in my house weren't the cause of buzzing, since the noise was still there with them all off. Of course, even still, the H15 was supposed to be able to do at least SOME filtering, so it should handle this, but of course my real problem was that it made the noise floor HIGHER than direct wall connection. What threw me off was that the buzzing noise is same noise that my dimmers made (I know it's quiet, but if you put your ear on a dimmer, it buzzes a little tiny bit, and that is kind of what the sound was like)
3. I put my ear onto the H15 unit itself, and I could hear a buzzing. The buzzing was of the EXACT same character as the buzzing I heard at the tweeters. I became crystal clear to me that it was the H15 unit.
But hey, maybe they are better now. It's been two years.
Here's an easy was to find out: if you have an H15, put your ear right on the actual unit. If you can hear ANY buzzing or noise, no matter how faint, then I conjecture that it still has the problem. My Monster MKII is silent, like I would expect most modern electronic items to be.