A lot of things that are easy to believe aren't true.
The fact that it's not hard to believe doesn't add any veracity to the claim.
I tend not to accept "facts" unless there is some good reason to.
Then explain to me why it's so easy to rally behind other supposed facts that are in opposition to our involvement in the war, 9/11, Iraq, terrorists, etc. This is the most divisive issue America faces today - and there are a lot of people issuing statements from both sides of the fence; I for one, tend to believe those things that
are in fact grounded in reality, and not conspiracy. I then look for evidence to back my point of view, and what do you know - I find them. To boot - I do have a very open mind and will gladly listen to anyone else's point of view, but I will challenge their notions when I feel that it's just another version of Hollywood politics taking hold of the overall mentality of America; the kind of politics that will ruin our country from the inside out and leave us open and vulnerable to god knows what in the future (probably within all of our lifetimes at the present rate).
Make no mistake about it - our involvement in Iraq is solidified. We simply cannot pack up and leave at this point, and we cannot under any circumstances allow our soldiers to believe they are dying for a lost cause. We committed ourselves to it, so it is our duty and honor as a nation to rally behind our troops and the decisions that have been made, and see it through to the end. Period.