I thought I'd start this thread so members could reveal any ongoing HD movie deals, and their opinions on HD movies that are stellar (in comparison to SD), or terrible, and simply not worth the money. That's it. No flame wars. Just deals, and advice on keepers and sleepers (literally).
My reason is simple: After just buying one of the best sd players out there (Denon 2900), Toshiba announced their deals on the A2 and A3. Understand that in my pursuit of video nirvana not too long ago, the best picture was obtained by modding a Denon with a scaler...to the tune of $4k, $5K...even 6K. Ouch! You can now get a markedly better picture in a player that costs just $100-$200. Sold! Not being a stick in the mud, I attempted to purchase the A2 from BB for $99.00...to no avail. However, they offered me the A3 for $200.00 with a $50.00 gift card...which has turned into a $75.00 gift card as I never received the original $50.00 card...three months later!
So, despite all the hubbub about the "fall of HD" (which remains to be seen), I remain a happy camper. I purchased the A3 for $200.00, and will receive (approximately) 15 HD movies with it (2 in the box, 5 mail-in (which I just received yesterday with Dave's HQV DVD gift...Christmas on 1-30!!!), 3 free in-store, and 4-5 with the gift card. All in all a no-brainer.)
I am not encouraging conspicuous consumption here. I have a fairly large SD library, and do not desire needless doubles (or triples) of movies. It's just that given the "fact?" that HD's days numbered (with BD to soon follow to make way for the next format), I thought why not have a running thread on deals, keepers and sleepers? I know HD movie reviews can be had elsewhere, but short, concise postings here may prove useful for those that are interested. And as some HD deals can be had for under $13.00 (just posted one today in deals at BB:
Limited, but still a bargain), and with production falling (ostensibly) it would seem now is the time to cash in on some of those deals, and not waste our money. Cheers.