As to the I / M thing, that seems a bit silly to me, as does the clown hat you want to award to clowns. Everyone has their moments, and theres no need to make a constant reminder to all that someone had such a moment.
As to Hifihoney's remark concerning "beating up", I'll fully admit I offered to tune him up in order to deal with a definitely percieved lack of common curtesy and respect. Some people frown upon that sort of thing, others take it in stride (as Hifihoney did), still others don't understand it. Its been my experience in life, especially having worked 7 years now in the Infantry that men who can't back up their loud mouths with conviction are not men I care to waste my time on. Respect in my world is often garnered by a good tussle.
The whole ordeal might've earned me some red chicklets, I never bothered to check, but at the end of the day I don't think anyone here really cares if they step on some toes along the way to audio nirvana. I know I don't. I know Hifihoney doesn't. I don't think pictures of Jesters and Jack@sses tacked on to a member serve any purpose beyond a poor attempt to humiliate someone, even if they deserved it.