Ohhhh, don't be so quick to
not judge Halon. I believe the jig is up, and I'm calling you out.
Your room size has changed from 12' x 20' to 10' x 20'...that's one hell of a room stretcher...or shrinker ya got there Easy.
You've quibbled over $20-$30 on price differences in shipping and net cost...get a paper route.
You've got 17 posts here...all of which are in the subs section.
In the last three weeks you've started nine, yes
NINE separate threads on different subs.
You've never thanked anyone for their advice, expertise, help or wisdom.
You've never finished a thread. You let it go on, and on, and on like the Ray-o-Vac bunny, until it simply dies.
If you're here for real, please forgive by directness. But you're called out so this thread doesn't end in the trash bin like the other eight threads you've started on subs. The best advice you received is to save for a little better...or just splurge the two bills and get this one. You'll probably regret it as others have already written. I think you got some splainin to do Lucy.