Update - U13 amp replacement
I thought it was about time I took the effort to update this thread.
After my concerns about the U13 amp back at the end of January I decided to ask LSound (the European distributor) for a new amp. They promptly agreed with apologies and within a week the new amp had arrived.
Whatever you think about their products and marketing practices you have to agree that first class customer service and support seems to synonymous with SVS and their distributors.
One thing that struck me immediately, even before I opened the box containing the new amp, was how light it was. Yes, I know, D-class and all that, but I expected some weight from the plate the amp is built on. But no, the "plate" is plastic; really, the amp has a very "cheap" look and feel to it.
Its saving grace are the beefy capacitors.
I was a little worried about replacing the amp myself incase I damaged its finish but the operation was quite painless.
Although it's one heavy mother and not possible to slide because of the rubber feet all you really need to do is put a carpet by its side and tip it over which even a desk jockey like myself can manage.
SVS supplies the appropriate bit to remove the screws and a bit extender if needed.
The instructions you get with the new amp are a little off though. It talks of removing the crimps from the old amp and putting them on the new. Hey, they were soldered. Not only that but the new amp also came with a set of wires with dangling crimps - yes, they could have been fixed to the driver but that requires that the driver be removed and I wasn't feeling that adventurous. I took the easy option and fixed it by cutting the wires off the old amp, joining them to the crimps on the new wires and for good measure I wrapped a good deal of insulating tape on the joins.
One picture I lost somewhere is the new FR. I will try to get one done tonight or at least this weekend. As far as I could tell, and I'm going be memory here, the FR below 25Hz seemed to have significantly more gain than it had with the old amp. I can only think that the either the old amp really was a bad one or that the room correction system on the old amp was kicking in even though I had it switched off.
One more improvement I noticed; the on and off "woomph" is significantly less with the new amp.
Other than that it sounds as good as it ever did if not better. It really is an incredible piece of equipment and my only complaint, as always, is the build quality of the amp on this thing.