Nah, John - I think you mistook me for those I describe. I'm not bothered by it, and it doesn't do anything to change my opinion one way or another on the race card. But it's regretfully clear that these two have an agenda that is far beyond the scope of the human equality that MLK promoted. Yes, they prey on ignorance and misunderstanding - and there are thousands if not millions of people who do play right into their hands (from both sides of the racial divide), without even realizing that race tensions have a natural ability to self-equalize, in other words - the more it is left alone, the less people realize it exists.
Yet -
It would be naive to think that everyone could just up and forget the hundreds of years of racial inequality that has existed long before this country was officially signed into existence - so this is a concept that is much easier for a white person to grasp than it is for a person of color. My own hunch is that it will be hundreds of years more before the line finally dissolves, if it ever does. But any step in the right direction is a step in the right direction either way. MLK understood this.
Sharpton and Jackson only want to subvert the process because it gives them reason to remain in the public spotlight, where they want to keep a stronghold on their own warped sense of purpose. Racial inequality gives them reason to exist in the limelight. That is their one true agenda, not the advancement of their race, or equality on all terms.