Why do you have to speak all faggoty?
Ewwww. I've been besmirched by an intellect.
I'll tell you what sweetheart. Come on down to Chicagoland anytime, I'll buy you a beer, and we'll chitchat, amongst other things, how much sugar I've got in my blood, and what you've got.
Firstly, erudite one, I do not
speak here, I write. learn the difference. Secondly, please evidence to me which dictionary, English, of course, that incorporates the term, what is it..."faggoty." English isn't you first language, is it? Next time use a dictionary, or, the lazy man's dictionary (spellcheck) when you desire to correct one's use of the English language. It's time for your diaper change now.
Now that I've cleansed myself of the putrefaction of the self-proclaimed intelligensia, let's get this thread back on track.