Too bad Honda can't translate those stats into their formula one cars or finish races

Remind me which team had their secrets robbed recently. Honda like so many other Japanese companies aren't innovators, they're copiers.
Just like in audio, stats aren't everything when it comes to cars. There are two types of people when it comes to buying cars. Those who care about every ounce of performance, the enthusiasts and car geeks. Then there are those who drive cars for prestige. Me, I personally don't care if the NSX slightly out-corners the Ferrari as US roads aren't the place for fast driving, rather which car will get me girls and in this sense, the Ferrari destroys the NSX.
All that said, I generally like Honda cars, but feel Honda, Toyota, and all these front-runners have started to get sloppy lately and are overpricing their cars. I've traditionally driven European cars, but they fall apart even more than American cars these days. And Americans still haven't gotten themselves together. In short, all cars suck.