Experience with filing a Paypal Claim?



Audioholic Field Marshall
And to the person who said something about a barfight... I contacted some guys on another forum I frequent that live in the same city the seller does. They're looking into this guy. (not that I would take it to a physical altercation... but it never hurts to know someone) ;)
there you go.... have them send you his heart in a box!!

True story and wildly off topic- I had a friend in college who grew up in Pakistan, and we'll just describe his family as "connected". He told us about a day when he was about 13 or 14 years old walking home from school and a bunch of kids beat the crap out of him. When he went home all bruised up his cousins asked what happened, he told them, and then they asked for the names which he also gave them. Sometime later that day he gets a call at home from one of his cousins to come over to a relative's house. He gets there and goes outside, and finds the kids who beat him up tied up to trees, stripped naked, and with whip marks on their back. One of his uncles hands him a branding iron and gives him the opportunity to brand the right buttock of each guy. He refuses (he's actually a relatively docile kid) the "honor" of revenge as they called it, so his uncle and cousins go ahead and do it for him. He described that as hands-down the most awful thing he's ever seen in his life.


Audioholic Samurai
there you go.... have them send you his heart in a box!!

True story and wildly off topic- I had a friend in college who grew up in Pakistan, and we'll just describe his family as "connected". He told us about a day when he was about 13 or 14 years old walking home from school and a bunch of kids beat the crap out of him. When he went home all bruised up his cousins asked what happened, he told them, and then they asked for the names which he also gave them. Sometime later that day he gets a call at home from one of his cousins to come over to a relative's house. He gets there and goes outside, and finds the kids who beat him up tied up to trees, stripped naked, and with whip marks on their back. One of his uncles hands him a branding iron and gives him the opportunity to brand the right buttock of each guy. He refuses (he's actually a relatively docile kid) the "honor" of revenge as they called it, so his uncle and cousins go ahead and do it for him. He described that as hands-down the most awful thing he's ever seen in his life.
Holy crap dude... that sure takes this thread to a new level. :eek:


Full Audioholic
My PayPal account was hacked a couple years ago and I am vigilant about checking it, so it was picked up very quickly.

I contacted(phone) PP immediately and it was handled, immediately. I had to fill out a couple forms but it couldn't have been handled more expeditiously. I've never had a problem since....{knocking on wood}

Polk Audio CS


eBay is like prison sex. You don't have to like it but sometimes you have to take it. If it helps at all keep in mind that, like prison sex, it's not so bad once you relax a little.
Interesting analogy. :)


Long story short I bought a car cd player via e-bay. Within 1 day of having it installed it went dead. I e-mailed the seller multiple times trying to resolve the issue, but he ignored me until I threatened to file a claim.
I've always been afraid of something like that happening.


Audioholic Samurai
Alex my friend just one word: weird. Sorry it just is!:D
Are you talking about his misuse of the term caps, or that overly developed analogy that needs no rehashing? If the latter...which really doesn't need repeating, and for which I jumped right on (to quash), I agree with you Strat. And if the former...well, I jumped on both right away, and agree with you in either case. :p Alex, you're okay in my book too.

Some analogies (DO NOT) break that word down :p, are just waaaaaay out there.


Audioholic Ninja
Are you talking about his misuse of the term caps, or that overly developed analogy that needs no rehashing? If the latter...which really doesn't need repeating, and for which I jumped right on (to quash), I agree with you Strat. And if the former...well, I jumped on both right away, and agree with you in either case. :p Alex, you're okay in my book too.

Some analogies (DO NOT) break that word down :p, are just waaaaaay out there.
Yes!!!! The analogy, just weird.


Audioholic Ninja
You guys are driving me nuts with your poor quoting :p


Senior Audioholic
You guys never stop amazing me...:D. So this Alex..is weird...do i get it right?


Audioholic Slumlord
Weird? Me? You should meet the guy I stole that line from. He claimed to have been really upset by all the Friday the 13th movies where Freddie runs around killing all these mint chicks without even ____ing them first.:eek:

He claimed it was a waste.:D That's weird.


Audioholic General

I got this e-mail a few hours ago from PP:
"We have determined that you may be eligible for a refund on this PayPal
transaction. To qualify for a refund, please return the item received to
the seller in the same condition in which it was received. (You are
responsible for shipping and handling costs for the returned merchandise.)
The amount you will be eligible to receive is determined by the terms of
our buyer protection policies and we may be unable to make a full recovery
of your payment from the seller. Please review the buyer protection
policies in our User Agreement before shipping the item back to the seller.

Okay, so I have to send it back to the seller, at which point I might get some of my money back?! How retarded is that?!

Hell, I almost think I'd be better off just selling it for $50 as is and letting someone get the dang thing fixed. This is the single most idiotic rationale I've ever heard of in my life. And I know some stupid people...
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Audioholic Ninja

I got this e-mail a few hours ago from PP:
"We have determined that you may be eligible for a refund on this PayPal
transaction. To qualify for a refund, please return the item received to
the seller in the same condition in which it was received. (You are
responsible for shipping and handling costs for the returned merchandise.)
The amount you will be eligible to receive is determined by the terms of
our buyer protection policies and we may be unable to make a full recovery
of your payment from the seller. Please review the buyer protection
policies in our User Agreement before shipping the item back to the seller.

Okay, so I have to send it back to the seller, at which point I might get some of my money back?! How retarded is that?!

Hell, I almost think I'd be better off just selling it for $50 as is and letting someone here get the dang thing fixed. This is the single most idiotic rationale I've ever heard of in my life. And I know some stupid people...

That's unbelievable, PP stinks. I stay away from E-Bay or any transaction requiring the use of PP.


Audioholic Ninja
Well.... you can't keep the item *and* get a full refund.

What did you expect?

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