think there is any way they will release the blue prints of these designs? half the fun for me is building the boxes myself. the reason i'm asknig is because my designing of ported boxes for ht is lacking....
Doubtful they would send you blueprints...
There are a couple of good forums to help you design some subs....
They are not all that complicated to build... just gathering up all the information is enough to wrap your head around...
You need to decide on a driver and what size box to go with, based on that driver with help from modeling software, and then go from there...
Start a thread in DIY here... and lets see what you would like to do...
Most popular are 15" drivers, but 18" have started to gather quite a following... but usually they are quite large...
Figure out what size driver you would like, and we can direct you to some good quality products...
There is a DIY section here, and AVS forum...
Also Hometheater Shack
Alot of people can help you figure something out within your budget...