You are correct but I have no idea what he is saying about the crossover; may be some confusion there.
SORRY greg, i typed it wrong, i had just gotten in from going out for a celebration drink, we just had the ultra sound and its gonna be a BOY!!!!
ANYWAY, i mis typed, i meant to say i am going to try turning down the level on the sub dial, and turning up the level on the receivers sub level to 0db (i typed crossover instead of db level on my previous post, oops)
we watched the polar express last night, damn the train in that movie produces some killer lows. I had to turn down the pv 1000sub dial to about the 9 o clock position a setting of 3 as the house was rumbling away! there is no question that this sub rocks just need to figure out why it is so weak when watching tv, we'll just have to wait until we get our new house in the spring and try hooking up the cable tv digitally with optical out instead of analog and see if that helps.
to answer the other posters question the sub is assigned in 2 channel stereo mode because i checked the stereo db levels in 2 channel mode, and
center and surrounds have this symbol assigned to them -- meaning they are not assigned in stereo mode and L R and sub channels have -2db -2b and -4.5 assigned to them.
sorry for all the info!!!