To Sheep and Neverseen,
I appreciate your comments. However, I believe you have both missed the point. The purpose of this thread wasn't to whine - whining is for 2 year olds who have to put away their toys before dinner, and those who have all the complaints in the world but can offer no solutions (maybe a politician near you

At any rate - the purpose of this thread was to open up an intelligent discussion on a problem that does exist in this country, whether you like it or not, whether you care or you don't. Ignorance is not bliss in my opinion, but if you choose to live your life in a tunnel and ignore the impending predicament that we as ALL Americans will one day face,
then you too - are lost among them. Make no mistake about it, if you don't recognize the situation for what it is, and attempt to analyze and affect it in some way, then sooner or later it will come back and affect you.
Neverseen - I'm glad that you have enjoyed success in your life, and that you are making more money than your Engineer friend. You own your house, and have seemingly not been bothered by what's going on around you. I make twice as much money as my wife who has a four year degree from Penn State University, but you will never catch me holding that above her head, nor using it as an example of how to live. In short, I feel very fortunate, but I have also worked my a$$ off to get where I am, and I can only owe my own success to my hard efforts and dedication.
Let me break this down for you, and attempt to be very clear about this - I am not concerned with telling people how to live their lives. I am not concerned with mandatory reform for a system without due thought process. I am NOT looking at the present, I am looking at the future, and what I see isn't all that rosy. We, as Americans in general have simply become far too lazy, apathetic, complacent and take every single thing we have for granted. Notice I said "We", as I have included even myself in this statement. I am not free from guilt and neither are you.
Our children represent the future of this country. If we are to remain strong, and ensure that our children's children will have the same luxuries that we all now take for granted, we NEED to be thinking about these things. We NEED to start looking at our kids, and how they are being raised. We NEED to concentrate on education reform and somehow re-install that desire to learn and grow within these young minds, both mentally, physically, and spiritually - the kind of substance that leaders are made out of. We NEED to take the blindfold off and realize that dark cloud on the horizon is a hell of a lot closer than we imagined.