

Audioholic Jedi
I read an article last week that talked about exclusives and it basically said that for the current and future consoles, game development is so expensive that it is highly unlikely that there will be any more exclusive titles. They pretty much have to sell to as many platforms as possible to make margins (not that they are losing money or anything).


Senior Audioholic
Yea J Garcia but like Bungie has a contract with MS to only release ANY future Halo title on Xbox. Courtesy of Xbox 306 Forum user rossdude:

From Level Up:

Three is a trend, or so the saying goes among journalists. So what are we to make of the steady exodus of highly acclaimed developers from the warm embrace of Microsoft Game Studios into the arms of others? Last Thursday's news that Electronic Arts had acquired BioWare Pandemic from Elevation Partners for nearly $800 million marked the third time in just three weeks that a top developer of multiple Xbox games has jumped ship. First, on September 26th, Activision announced that it would be purchasing the previously-independent U.K. studio Bizarre Creations, which made four Project Gotham Racing games for MGS between 2001 and 2006. A week later, rumors began to mount that Bungie—the brightest light in the MGS firmament by virtue of its three best-selling Halo games and the only one of the three Killer B's actually owned by Microsoft—had repurchased its independence from the Redmond giant. The rumors proved true, and by the end of the week, both parties released statements attesting to that fact. When EA made its announcement not even a week later, that BioWare—makers of the MGS titles Jade Empire and the forthcoming Mass Effect—and Pandemic would be joining its Murderer's Row, much of the focus was on whether or not EA overpaid (we'll tackle that in a subsequent post) and was it good or bad that EA's already formidable power was spreading unchecked throughout the industry like the baleful Eye of Sauron. Left relatively unexamined, with the exception of a few message boards, fansites and podcasts, was this: what does it say about Microsoft Game Studios that three of the industry's most renowned developers have slipped through its fingers in less than a month's time?

Please continue reading at: Level Up : Flight of the Killer B's: As Bizarre, Bungie and BioWare Flee the Redmond Hive, What Does This Mean For Microsoft Game Studios?


Audioholic Jedi
There will obviously still be exclusives, but fewer of the larger franchise titles will be doing this is what the article was getting at. Obviously games that come directly from Sony likely won't be available on other consoles, and vice versa.


Senior Audioholic
Yea, I know there will still be exclusives. My G/f bought me COD4 and gave it to me as an early Christmas present. She got it on PS3 (YES!) You should all be jealous.


Audioholic Chief
Although I must say, when it comes down to choosing the console for titles that are released on both, I will be choosing PS3 because the graphics are superior.
Surprisingly, i've found the opposite to be true, especially with the EA Sports games...They run at twice the framerate on the 360.

The only multiplatform game i've seen mentioned specifically as looking better on the ps3 was oblivion. Which others have you seen?


Audioholic Samurai
Surprisingly, i've found the opposite to be true, especially with the EA Sports games...They run at twice the framerate on the 360.

The only multiplatform game i've seen mentioned specifically as looking better on the ps3 was oblivion. Which others have you seen?
Well everyone knows EA releases are garbage on the PS3. Look at Orange Box; Valve did the port for 360 and EA Europe did the port for PS3. End result, PS3 version sucks bad. Can't really blame the console for having it's games made by a crappy studio.


Audioholic Chief
Well everyone knows EA releases are garbage on the PS3. Look at Orange Box; Valve did the port for 360 and EA Europe did the port for PS3. End result, PS3 version sucks bad. Can't really blame the console for having it's games made by a crappy studio.
I wasn't...i was just looking for games that run better on PS3. Every multiplatform game review i read says to get the 360 version, so i have a pile of 360 games and only a couple PS3...

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