
Audioholic Samurai
I always considered it crappy for MS making you pay to play online (xbox live) but I now realize why. I have been playing COD4 online on PS3 for 4 days now and I am addicted. By far one of the best online FPS' to come out in a long time. Now while the game is perfect in this aspect it is the Playstation Network that has ruined it all. The amount of bugs on the servers is just astounding, so where do I even begin.

First, achievements will become locked after logging in and out even though you are past the level required to unlock them. Example Clan Tag which opens up at lv12; I reached lv23 two days ago but upon logging in the next day even though I was lv23 Clan Tag is now locked. It is the same thing for weapons as well. I was waiting eagerly for the M4 Carbine (lv12) and it is still locked. Same problem with achievements, colors, and everything that can be unlockable.

But that is not the worst part of it all. The server refuses to save my profile correctly so I can lv up all day, but when I log in the next day my profile is still the exact same lv it was 2 days ago. I have sent countless of emails to Activision and they are saying it is a server problem and there is nothing they can do. I have to literally sit there restarting and reconnecting to the PSN until my right lv shows up but it doesn't matter since a lot of my options are still locked anyway.

And here is the kicker, friend also has COD4 for Xbox360 and he has had 0 problems playing online. Everything saves correctly and hasn't a single problem with unlockables. I will gladly pay $50 every 13 months so that I won't encounter any of these problems when playing online.

So Sony, you gloat that PS3 has free online play. I am sorry but the reliability of the PSN is nothing to brag about. It is by far the worst online gaming network I have ever played on. And don't say that because it's free there is bound to be some problems; look at Gamespy, it is free as well and it works great.

So now this weekend I am off to buy an Xbox 360 and another copy of COD4 along with a 13 month card for xbox live. And the PS3 will now be reduced to a BD player until MGS4 and FF13 come out. One thing is certain that I will not touch an online game with it ever again.

*rant over*


Audioholic Overlord
Give them time to work out the kinks. Not every new network is perfect off the ground. This is their first big push for online gaming, I think with time it will improve.:)


Audioholic Spartan
I hear ya... but maybe they will have some of their network issued ironed out by the time some of their new titles are released. I'm looking forward to Gran Turismo 5.


Audioholic Jedi
I have little or no interest in online gaming, so other than the store and updates, this wasn't a selling point for me. That may change when MGS4 and GT5 come out... I'm sure free is a factor as well, but by now errors should have been minimized. To me it sounds like a developer issue, not a PSN issue.


Audioholic Samurai
I don't even know what to think anymore. The servers are bad, and I mean baaaaaad. They look like they are being hosted by an 8 year old in his basement with a Pentium 1. I was really looking forward to getting Haze too since it will have online coop and other great things but I just don't know anymore. Only reason I buy FPS' are for online play so Sony needs to seriously think about this if they want to compete with xbox live.


Audioholic Jedi
I have to say it is a well known fact that X-box Live is better than PSN. PSN is good for basic stuff, but even for downloads it is relatively slow. If it is online you are after, well...it is likely still too early for PSN.


Audioholic Warlord
What I find funny is you're so quick to jump ship over a few networking issues, and you're jumping from the PS3 ship, that is perfectly sound, to an Xbox 360 ship, that sinks before it's maiden voyage.



Audioholic Samurai
What I find funny is you're so quick to jump ship over a few networking issues, and you're jumping from the PS3 ship, that is perfectly sound, to an Xbox 360 ship, that sinks before it's maiden voyage.

Well the main reason I have yet to buy an Xbox 360 is because of fear of RROD. I always buy all 3 systems no matter what but I am still hesitant because of that sole reason.


Audioholic Spartan
Well the main reason I have yet to buy an Xbox 360 is because of fear of RROD. I always buy all 3 systems no matter what but I am still hesitant because of that sole reason.
The systems with the new 65 nm processors are out now, so even if you should get a console that fails, they have extended the warranty to 3 years for the RROD failures.


Audioholic Spartan
I haven't gotten into online gaming yet either, but I can definitely see the appeal of it. I also have been generally unhappy with my PS 3, but for different reasons. But it is GREAT as a Blu-ray player. I was really close to ditching mine also, but getting the A3 for HD-DVD has given my PS 3 a stay of execution.


Audioholic Samurai
Well I emailed activision again but this time I told them that there are a ton of people from the IGN message boards that are having this same problem. And guess what, they are all PS3 owners. This is really pissing me off, I don't even feel like playing the damn game anymore.


Audioholic Chief
To me it sounds like a developer issue, not a PSN issue.
Actually, it sounds like a replication issue. The backend sync isn't happening fast enough, and when he logs back in he's getting a different server that hasn't been updated yet. Sony should be able to fix this easily by having the PS3 "prefer" the last server (or server farm) it was connected to, thus minimizing the chance of hitting a server that hasn't received the updates.


I always considered it crappy for MS making you pay to play online (xbox live) but I now realize why. I have been playing COD4 online on PS3 for 4 days now and I am addicted. By far one of the best online FPS' to come out in a long time. Now while the game is perfect in this aspect it is the Playstation Network that has ruined it all. The amount of bugs on the servers is just astounding, so where do I even begin.

First, achievements will become locked after logging in and out even though you are past the level required to unlock them. Example Clan Tag which opens up at lv12; I reached lv23 two days ago but upon logging in the next day even though I was lv23 Clan Tag is now locked. It is the same thing for weapons as well. I was waiting eagerly for the M4 Carbine (lv12) and it is still locked. Same problem with achievements, colors, and everything that can be unlockable.

But that is not the worst part of it all. The server refuses to save my profile correctly so I can lv up all day, but when I log in the next day my profile is still the exact same lv it was 2 days ago. I have sent countless of emails to Activision and they are saying it is a server problem and there is nothing they can do. I have to literally sit there restarting and reconnecting to the PSN until my right lv shows up but it doesn't matter since a lot of my options are still locked anyway.

And here is the kicker, friend also has COD4 for Xbox360 and he has had 0 problems playing online. Everything saves correctly and hasn't a single problem with unlockables. I will gladly pay $50 every 13 months so that I won't encounter any of these problems when playing online.

So Sony, you gloat that PS3 has free online play. I am sorry but the reliability of the PSN is nothing to brag about. It is by far the worst online gaming network I have ever played on. And don't say that because it's free there is bound to be some problems; look at Gamespy, it is free as well and it works great.

So now this weekend I am off to buy an Xbox 360 and another copy of COD4 along with a 13 month card for xbox live. And the PS3 will now be reduced to a BD player until MGS4 and FF13 come out. One thing is certain that I will not touch an online game with it ever again.

*rant over*
error 1D10T. User error. Please disregard.


Audioholic Spartan
So now we have the Rock Band controller fiasco. Yet another reason to dump the PS 3 and get an Xbox. Damn I hate Sony!!! :mad:


After my 360 bite the dust, Ccity sent me a $427 gift card. Today I bought a 40GB PS3 w/ the movie and a bonus free six axis.

I guess if MS could have made a good product the first time around i wouldn't have made the switch, but an underused consul dying once is enough to keep me away for a long time (regardless of the band aides they add).

Now to sell my leftover games and accessories...


Audioholic Samurai
After my 360 bite the dust, Ccity sent me a $427 gift card. Today I bought a 40GB PS3 w/ the movie and a bonus free six axis.

I guess if MS could have made a good product the first time around i wouldn't have made the switch, but an underused consul dying once is enough to keep me away for a long time (regardless of the band aides they add).

Now to sell my leftover games and accessories...
Yeah BB is selling today the 360 Premium with GH2 and wireless guitar for $349. I really want to pull the trigger but I am still hesitant about it. Although I must say my wife and I have been playing Rock Band online for days now and it has been flawless. I mean absolutely perfect with 0 lag.


Give them time to work out all the bugs, that's one of the biggest online games to come to the PS3 so far....

on a side note they better be all fixed up by the time Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out =p


Audioholic Samurai
Give them time to work out all the bugs, that's one of the biggest online games to come to the PS3 so far....

on a side note they better be all fixed up by the time Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out =p
Yeah I stopped playing COD4 about two weeks ago and after logging in for the first time on sunday the problems are still there. It's funny too because I also have Rock Band and the online is flawless on the PS3. But now it won't matter much after the 11th when UT3 comes out.


Senior Audioholic
Well let me add my 2 cents. I bought the Elite this weekend so I could play Halo, GOW, and other games that won't hit PS3. I have had my PS3 over a year, and only have played COD3 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance on it (mainly for lack of time).

I must say, I have played COD3 online and it ran great. I only played a little because I kept kitting my a$$ handed to me. But the fact that you have to buy a seperate wifi plug in for the Xbox, as well as pay for live is a big turn off to me. I think that the PSN will be good to go in 6 months or so.

Just buy the Xbox anyway, its gonna get some great titles. Although I must say, when it comes down to choosing the console for titles that are released on both, I will be choosing PS3 because the graphics are superior.

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