Nice........ way to set the
'green' example for the rest of the world!! The hypocrisy of the
Man Made alarmist cooks knows no bounds
I guess the irony of a bunch of "Greenies" flying to one of the most remote locations on earth for their "GW summit" never occurred to be hypocritical to them?
It appears the only reason they made the trip to Bali is to bash the USA for not joining Kyoto. LOL
This gave me a chuckle too.....
"Kyoto, which was rejected by the Bush administration, commits three dozen industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gases an average of 5 percent below 1990 levels between next year and 2012, when it expires."
They seem to forget that Kyoto was rejected back in 1997 when President Clinton was in power....LOL Not to mention...the senate also rejected it by a margin of 95-0 in the Senate!!
Liberal media= Blame GWB even for events before he was twice elected president.
PS.... Speaking of Hypocrisy...... I read that Barbara Boxer flew by private jet to attend the Bali event even though she was one of the 95 senators who cast a "Nay" vote to reject Kyoto.