Well, I sit at my computer for 8 to 10 hours a day at work. On the weekends, I'm on it for a couple more hours browsing, writing, working, etc... I have been using computers extensively since I was like 14 or something, so that puts my computer use at 19 years... Hmm, lets say I average 6 hours a day for 365 days times 19 years. That's 41610 hours I have been at a keyboard and mouse.
Yeah, I just don't feel like playing games on the PC at all any more. Sure, the mouse is more accurate, but the analog stick is close enough. The console games are usually tuned for a little inaccuracy, as well, so it doesn't seem so bad. Besides, when I use the console, I don't have to update the drivers or mess with graphic settings. Heck, my 360 cost less than my last video card, too! Cheap, easy, accurate enough, on the big screen with great sound...
The home theater and game console wins for me!