Just joined to say thanks to all the admin and users for a great forum
i stumbled upon the forum when searching google for advice on whether or not biwiring speakers made any improvement to sound quality
Every time i end up at this forum, i for some reason get addicted to reading comments from mtrycrafts which are often sarcastic and amusing but in my opinion 99% honest and correct
i have just upgraded and purchased some monitor audio gr60 speakers for use with my ageing technics su-a900mk2 amp and denon 1730 dvd payer (mainly used as a cd player via analogue connectors)
i am a television video and computer engineer in the uk and was always puzzled as to why speaker manufacturers provide terminals to bi-wire. All my electrical knowledge tells me that it is unlikely to improve things.
i was puzzled as to why manufacturers did it and slightly doubted my electrical background and experience.
Speaker Cables
i have always known about speaker cable size being the most important consideration and find it incredible that people spend so much money on pointless expensive cables.
thanks again for a fantasic forum

How can I resist not responding when I was mentioned by name

I guess I caught your attention

What can I say. Each of us have different personalities and methods responding to questions and some posters.
Enjoy your stay and hopefully it will be a long one.
There is a couple of posts on buy-wiring with inputs from some smart persons, jneutron being one of them.
Under some conditions, there is a condition that in the calculations a term of 2AB for the current of two different frequency comes up. That 2AB seems to be the crux but so far it cannot be demonstrated that this makes an audible difference. After all, we measure well below levels of audibility, so why not this, right?
The marketeers are masters of the human psychology and behavior and the marketplace is about selling and making money, so, there is no limit what they will do and you see the results with speaker cables and when you look at most any other consumer marketplace, you will find it similar.
Enjoy and welcome.