I never noticed the paperclip before. I thought I needed them on a web site.
I'm not great with a camer so I included a couple of pictures to try and show the texture. While their are a lot of brands that make similar stuff - these were very reasonably priced compared to the major brands.
BJ does offer some tech flex option at $1 a foot but it isn't the same type of techflex, and as far as I know it doesn't include the cables ends, just the center to group them - otherwised I'd be happy to buy my exposed cables from them since I like their work and their prices are GREAT! Again - I'm sure most people would say who cares about the fancy cables but there are times I'm willing to pay more if I have to leave them visible. I'm guessing BJ doesn't get enough demand for that sort of work so I can understand they wouldn't want to do 2 fancy ones a year as that probably wouldn't be profitable but it would be great if I could just buy all my stuff there every time.
While I could buy much cheaper ones and at least as good of ones from BJ's I'll probably end up getting these - for about $100 for the 2meter ones.