wow. $150 for a bulb? That's the lowest I've heard thus far. My father inlaw has a Mit 65" 1080p, and his bulb went out after 2yrs, and cost him $350 for a replacement. Personally, I'd rather not have to replace any bulbs. In my eye's, for the price we pay for a TV, it should be able to last a good 3-5yrs.
I looked in depth at the Samsung LED-DLP, and liked them a lot. Great price for the performance. But, like you said, the viewing angles are not the best. With my living room arrangement, I needed something more. Now I've pretty much settled on a Panasonic th-50pz700u, which can be found for under $2k at B&M stores. (Except Best Buy, where the sales rep told me that that TV just came out in August, and they still want $2900 for it.)
Anyways if I HAD to replace lamps in something, I'd rather buy a 1080 projector, to use with my 132" diag screen, over a DLP TV.
Someone mentioned seating distance from the TV. Here is a article talking about that. It's been posted a few times around the boards, but still is pretty good.
Good Luck.